Quote from JohnSmith on 10/23/08 at 09:01:48:
It I type new Item in folder A it appears also in folder B.
If I copy this Item (Ctr+C) and just past (Ctr+V) new item appears in A and B, but
If I copy any text (from anywhere), put cursor into a new line and then past, new item appears in A and not in B.
Eccoext on XP
File <testcopypast.eco> enclosed
This isn't actually the bug it seems, here's the explanation:
your rule is an AUTO trigger rule. You look to folder so rule only ! updates when FOLDER changes.
Ctrl + V makes a new item and assigns to the A folder (if pasted in A) so have a folder event.
paste in a 'blank line' is TEXT CHANGE to an item already in that folder. (although a blank item!).
the blank lines are items, just totally blank ones.
you can create your own by inserting a line and then manually removing the folder assignment.
if you change your trigger to include changes to text.. eg. "!N" or !NMFI (i think but stand to be corrected)... you should do fine, except...
paste of text into' blank bottom item this way not register as a mod to item... cool! (hitting space at end of paste, of course resolves issue..)
but still way cool qwerk you've uncovered!