I have been using ECCO since 1996. Originally, I bought the stripped-down version named "ECCO Simplicity." Then I changed to ECCO Pro, which I have been using ever since. I'm keeping a Windows XP machine up and running mainly so that I can use ECCO. However, being disgusted with how Microsoft conducts themselves, I have migrated to Linux. I want to try running ECCO under Wine, but am facing difficulty in installing Wine into Mint with the XFCE desktop (as I write this, the main program file cannot be found on the main Wine web site).
I have been considering either (a) moving all my data into more current applications that run smoothly in Linux, or (b) moving my antique ECCO into the Linux/Mint environment. So far, the jury is still out. (I was able to install Wine very neatly into a Fedora installation from Fedora's own program repository, but will probably be abandoning Fedora for Mint).
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Semenax I understand that ECCO was developed to be a showcase application for a database language. I'd hate to abandon ECCO: in my experience, the program is unique, especially in its open-ended structuring.
I have never seen any explanation for what the name "ECCO" stands for. Does anybody know?
You are not regret with those space which you can't showcase but still the ECCO simplicity are more often to used by PRO