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Slang Extension - Key Features (Popularity: 8052 )

I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Slang Extension - Key Features
08/05/17 at 17:45:18
Eccoext improves Ecco in two main ways. It fixes old irritations, and adds wholly new features.

First, a table of bugs/ annoyances which have been fixed.

Ecco Limitation

Eccoext Improvement

Mouse scroll wheels didn't work
They do now
Recurring dates failed after the year 2000
They don't now
Sorting sub items in outlines was limited
All levels can now be easily sorted
Searching was a little clumsy
It is now quick and easy to jump to the next occurence of selected text
Lists could only be numbered up to 999 items
You can have up to 64,000 now
Multi Folder columns had to be edited in a cramped and inconvenient window
You can now see as many as you want
Some Ecco entries might get lost ("become orphans") if their parent folders vanished
This no longer happens: all orphan items now have their own folder
Copying information in and out of Ecco was difficult
Eccoext handles more formats (html, rtf ...) for getting text out of Ecco and makes copying text into it slicker and easier

Then there are the Features that no one imagined Ecco might be missing.

[(Each of these could use a page of explanation. Please feel free to write it.)]

  1. You can assign most any hotkey to most any ecco function. EASILY! (just like in Word... Wink
  2. You can see how many items are in each and every folder...
  3. You can Control the display color of text items via the folder rules. Here's how.
  4. You can copy from an Ecco Outline in HTML format and then paste into notepad or some other text editor to get *instant html!!!*
  5. You can make items dependent upon other items. For instance, you can make an item change to a 'to-do' only when another item has been completed.
  6. You can fill in value of Field based on lookup of value of item text of field of another linked item.
  7. You can run EccoPro from a USB memory without Admin priv.
  8. You can lock items so that you don't accidently erase them.
  9. You can start minimized to tray/Close to tray/Minimize to tray
  10. Tooltips now show context/folder/depends information
  11. Some other programs have gained a "Send selected text to Ecco" right click menu: very quick and simple. This doesn't work with MS Office or Firefox, though. You can use a global hotkey with them. [needs explanation]
  12. You can now write programs in many languages (perl, Python, JScript, VBScript and LUA) the are activated upon item/folder changes and access built in Ecco commands (such as create item, collect values from folders, etc.) and Ecco variables (such as currently selected item) and run them directly from inside Ecco upon trigger of event, or using the Launch menu. To access Python or perl, need installed on your system the language's "active" installation. LUA is built into the extension, and JScript and VBScript are built into most modern Windows systems.
  13. Copying and pasting have been improved
    1. You can copy without subitem/Paste Block(Reduce global pointer/items)
    2. You can copy with column/Paste with column(Exchange data with Excel freely)
    3. You can copy/Paste RTF

Extended Key Assignments

Programming (Auto-assignment and scripting)
This feature gives extensive abilities to the program to assign values to folders, extract information, or do simple calculations on folders. With the ability to deal with Parent, Child, dependent, folders or items the program is very versatile. SUPER POWER AUTO-ASSIGNMENT RULES... including LUA syntax and REGEX matching...
    1. Other folder values
    2. Item Text
    3. Parent's folder values or item text
    4. Children's folder values or item text
    5. Linked item's folder values or item text
    6. Dates and times in the text of an item
  2. Assign calculated values.. (not just checkmarks).
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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
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Reply #1 - 08/05/17 at 17:50:05


There is two type of bookmark, Global bookmark and File bookmark.

Global bookmark is a kind of bookmark which will be available when the EccoPro is runing, it is saved in the eccoext.ini.

File bookmark is a kind of bookmark link to the file self, file bookmark info is saved with file.

To set the bookmark

Click the location which do you want set the bookmark, then right click the mouse, select "Set File Bookmark" or "Set Global Bookmark".

To change the bookmark name

Every bookmark can have one name to describe the bookmark, you can use menu "View / Change File Bookmark Name" and "View / Change Global Bookmark Name" to set or change the bookmark name.

Default Shortcut

WIN-CTRL-A ~ WIN-CTRL-Z set global bookmark 1 to 26

WIN-A ~ WIN-Z goto global bookmark 1 to 26

Find as type

You can find item in the notepad or folder in the folder window with "Find as type".

To use the feature

You must turn on [[Enable Search Box]] of the notepad or [[Enable Folder Search Box]] of the folder window

In the search box, input anything what you want to find

Related Config Option

[[Enable Search Box]]

[[Enable Folder Search Box]]


[[Space As And Search Separator]]

Highlight search string

Every time you search something with Find/Replace dialog or 'Find as type', the search string will be highlighted.

You can enable/disable the highlight with right click menu 'Toggle Highlight', all the notepad is affected.

Related Config Option



Locked Item

Locked item is kind of item that you can not change it's text and it's folder value.

To lock/unlock a item, just select the item, right click the mouse, and select command "Lock item".

When you lock a item, all it's ancestors item can not be changed either unless you set the global option [[ProtectParentWhenLocked]] to false, and a special icon will display before the item unless you set the global option [[ShowLockIcon]] to false.

Related Config Option




Mouse Wheel scroll support

In the native EccoPro, mouse whell scroll is not worked. Now it works on all notepad, folder, form window.

Related Config Option


Notepad zoom in/out

You can Zoom in/out the notepad and the folder window

There is two method to use the feature

Press CTRL key, the scroll mouse whell in the notepad

Use shortcut CTRL+Minus or CTRL+Plus


To use the zoom feature in the folder window, you must turn the folder window into EDIT mode

You can use shortcut CTRL+HOME or menu "Format/Restore Font Size" to restore the font size to it's original size

Default Shortcut

CTRL+Minus decrease the font size

CTRL+Plus increase the font size

CTRL+HOME restore the font size


EE provide two more sort option for users. One is "Recursive Sort", another is "Persistent Sort".

"Recursive Sort" is extend sort for native EccoPro's column sort, native Ecco sort only sort one level children, "Recursive Sort" will sort all it's descendants item.

You can find two more command "Sort Up Recursively" and "Sort Down Recursively" when you right click the column part of the item

"Persistent Sort" is a column sort which will apply on new items that added to the notepad.

You have three method to use "Persistent Sort"

Right click the column caption or select Column menu, select "Persisten Sort" menu

Press CTRL or SHIFT key, then click the column caption

Click the right side of the column caption

Related Config Option



Highlight and launch URL string

EE will highlight URL string automatically

Supportted the URL format include







color=#800000 face=Tahoma>

Related Config Option



Copy/Paste as RTF

Copy as HTML

Copy/Paste selected item

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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: Slang Extension - Key Features
Reply #2 - 08/05/17 at 18:09:10

For a very cool detailed list of features VERSION BY VERSION see: http://version.history.srules.com
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