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News: "Breathtaking" (Check out the new MagicView release at EccoTools.com)
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EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..) (Popularity: 139062 )

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Reply #40 - 02/12/09 at 20:21:21

Updated MV,  (v3.65)  deals with massively large (2-20MEG) single page viewpages  much better.
For very large viewpages moves around between viewpages faster.
new structure/options for Winkey+F12  clipping-->    can now clip from anywhere into new ecco item.
fixes with setting up inside of ecco,   improvements with multi-ecco switching.
and such.
hope you like it as much as I do.
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #41 - 02/17/09 at 02:25:05
not released yet, (will be in next update),  but sounds so cool just had to post:
MV update.  
Prevents falling off the end of the world when transversing pages across multiple files during new sessions.
internal fix with the Alt <  and >   move between prior pages.  (aksin to the F5 menu).
(if you use the history feature,   eventually you'll see what this is all about.... it's pretty cool).
Also fixes for clipping issues on some systems.    Ecco world is  *very* large.   If some functions don't seem to work right on your system-- speak up.
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #42 - 02/24/09 at 16:41:25

New 'pre-release' of EccoFileMagic.
Stuffed with over 70 tools.   Likely tools should have been released separately to be appreciated.    
Tired of 4 recent files to choose from ?  Try 40!  (and search then instantly with normal or 'regular expressions'.
Ever wanted to SCROLL around your notepads or open files ?   Now you can.
Lots of viewpads and need a vertical list  ?  Alphabetized ?   Instant jump back to previous viewpad/location/file ?   Now you've got it.
Ecco text vocalizer,  fancy (and nice) fold & unfold (requires for not browser back & forth buttons on keypad-- if someone wants this feature and can't use it,  just ask when registering for whatever custom assignments you desire).
Restores *many* features 'lost' in XP/Vista.
Instant column adjustments, column scrolling, etc.
There is much here.   Jump to phonebook WITHOUT changing the phonebook display.  (if you know what I'm talking about,  you'll likely enjoy this).
ps: likely will have trouble on some features on some systems.   Making 70+ tools universal has been huge project.  This is pre-release....
hope enjoy!
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #43 - 03/01/09 at 21:55:53

Upgrade to MV (3.7) on line.   Adds some refinement allowing more functionality with mouse only operation.   Ex., navigation buttons now allow 16 functions with just  left/right mouse clicks (via right click menu on buttons).
Some minor bug fixes,  increased internal awareness of issues relating to 'mirrored' pages and background saves.   Current approach is to notify,  not to force fix. (ie. notified that page is not most current,   but not-auto update incase you want to save copy of unmodified, etc.    Based on feedback (if any)  will leave as is,  or move to 'auto update'  when on mirrored page that was updated in background.
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #44 - 03/10/09 at 01:08:59

Nice EccoMV update.
*Major* bug fix,  and logic improvements.   Automatically updates current page when background save might impact (such as mirrored page, etc.).
Re-wrote *from scratch* page format download logic.  Deals with an incredibly wide range of style/format issues.   Also recode & vast improvement in image downloading.   Wrote new control function set for download parsing,  no longer relying on MS built-ins...
Re-code of page load & background saving logic.  Pages load up to 5 TIMES faster. (it's snappy).
Ctrl+Alt+F1 to stop image download if necessary or desired...
Re-coded inset logic with ecco,   sits better, tighter,  fixed calendar sitting issues for some calendar setups.
Improved collusion control for networked users,   change of collusion for page saved to external storage is now about 1 in 100 Million.
some speed improvements for block math;
Tightened code for bookmarks and indexing,  blazing speed...
Hopefully is not *too* fast for some systems.  (might be,  if so,  please report).
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Reply #45 - 03/10/09 at 17:42:30
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #46 - 05/07/09 at 15:11:53

some kind of new & exciting stuff:
MagicView running on most systems very smooth.   If you haven't updates in a while,  worth doing so now.
new magicLINKS tool posted.   Very cool in environment where need to track projects with people / events with other records, etc.
multi-monitor fix  recoded to fix more on more variety of systems.   not perfect,  but pretty darn cool.
not for sure,  but likely next release will be Magic Tasking package that essentially allows list of steps,  and finishing one activates the next listed step(s), and so on.   Kind of cool,  if next step has sub-steps those are activated... etc.  Plan your work,  and then be fed your plan one (or more as you decide) step at a time.    
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #47 - 05/31/09 at 16:03:55

Something interesting...    
a user reported that MV had stopped downloading images.  (If you Alt + W any viewpage you can look at it in browser to check any MV page).   What had happened is that MV had stopped *showing* images (although images were downloaded and saved).
turns out it is possible to still have 'wolf in sheep's clothing' image files the side effect of which was breaking MV's image rendering.    
So,  added very basic image anti-virus to MV to cover those problematic images not covered by MS or anti-virus checkers currently.   Would expect this is not an issue for 99.999% of users,  (only limited number of sites have the problematic images), but issue should be solved in any case.
Note that if you've already saved a viewpage with one of the problematic images, once your view it again in MV, it will stop other images from showing.  You can  RELOAD with latest MV (and save that page)  to fix.  ie., Shift + Alt + O  reloads a page's source.then Alt + G to ground/save.
no warranty what-so-ever about anti-virus security.  If you have latest MV (3.95 or higher)  and you find that images stop showing... please file bug report w/ url of page that when saved/viewed in MV,  causes the images to stop showing up.
also have activated full support for limiting any particular MV's session hotkeys so that multi MV sessions can flow together very smoothly.
other ecco-centric improvements which hopefully  will still have MV smoothly working on large cross section of ecco setups.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #48 - 06/30/09 at 07:19:06

1. Updated MagicLinks,  should now work on most all systems. (even Win 7,  if not please report.)
2. Updated MV to version 4.  WOW some cool stuff.  (known small bugs w/ some new features,  update expected in 2 days, likely worth wait).
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #49 - 06/30/09 at 11:36:27

Nice update to multi monitor fix.   Actually darn close to a 'fix'...  Roll Eyes
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #50 - 09/18/09 at 10:08:02

Some minor updates:  MagicFilters (small internal improvements); MagicMerge (exposing ItemLevel).
and some very cool powers activated in MagicView,  including Package Edit mode  and Group Exporting.
Group Export is very, very cool.   Will export web clips *AND* most all internal or externally linked files.  (including audio/video/pdf/DjVu/EML/DOC/XLS/JPG/PNG/MPG/MHT etc).    Viewing browser requires ability to handle javascript, mht, and the file attachment types (such as PDF),  and all woks *very* nicely.  Even includes option to number export outline.
Package Edit is for *experts*  but is very cool.   For internal or external files such as Doc/XLS etc. provides editing ability for those files directly (if system supposts).  So,  can not only view DOC files but with activation of Package Edit mode,  can directly edit and save.  Is  *VERY* cool.
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #51 - 10/04/09 at 21:26:08

Updated MagicFilter (now MagicFilter and Search).
Powerful Search Filter added allowing search within items displayed in view (and not hidden sub-items).  Other features also,  such as Append to Phonebook search.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #52 - 10/10/09 at 21:43:17

Major update for 'multiple monitor syndrome' fix.
Growing number of multi-monitor users... for those in need, latest version is *very* satisfying.
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #53 - 10/12/09 at 16:45:30

Pretty cool MV update.  (Must reset settings when upgrading most versions -- Ctrl + F1).
MV is now officially AMAZINGLY COOL.
ps: if you haven't looked over the MV thread examples... well worth the time.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #54 - 10/12/09 at 18:51:03

private request: Quote:
Is there anyway we can have Ecco launch the monitor fix and the scroll fix without laving to activate it everyday? I already have the files launch as programs – always.

Answer: Yes.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #55 - 10/14/09 at 08:05:52

"Wow.  That's cool!"  Eccomagic! (Classic) update.
Now allows 'Copy items with folder values' .  (even to other files).
It really works!    
This was about the #1 request issue from 'new' Ecco/MagicView users.   Ability to copy items WITH MV pages intact.
Works within same ecco file,  and works across different ecco files.  Works even across different ecco sessions for those running multi-session eccos.   Grab one or many items,  even items with internal MV images/DOCs/DjVus/PDFs, etc.,  and just copy & paste them where you want.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #56 - 11/01/09 at 02:31:55

Not final but *very* nice,  updated instructions for MagicView in PDF format updated (http://magicview.pdf.eccomagic.com).
So much amazing stuff in MV... unverified file grounding *massively* sped up for speedy image downloading;  all kinds of fixes and improvements with internalized files & drag & drop file adding to ItemText box;  vastly simplified page sharing between multiple .eco files; and about 100 other features.  Instructions well worth a read.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #57 - 11/02/09 at 16:31:26

Just some 'Ecco Talk' for anyone who wants to talk ecco:
Have noticed a real shift in how much minutia am currently saving with my ecco 'action' items.  Where used to try not to store 'too much' info (too keep file size down, not run out of item memory, etc.)  have noticed myself saving a HUGE amount of info in externally stored MV pages.  Sometimes the stored info is helpful,  probably have not even looked at info in most cases.  (but having the info saved may prove valuable in the future... we will see..)    
have accumulated in about 7,000 items with MagicView pages attached a staggering 14 GIGS of info & images, pdfs scans, etc...   [All seamlessly/instantly at fingertips in ecco with the 'action' items].
curious of others have noticed similar change.
From feedback,  seems that *vast* majority of (amazingly, the several thousand) MV users are 'new' ecco ers.    My guess is the RSS Blog is more attracting long time eccoians.   Be interested to hear feedback.
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #58 - 11/07/09 at 17:41:40
Note for developers (gomap, Pierre, et.al.. Wink
the latest slang extension (at Yahoo Ecco_Pro forum files section),  allows (one item at a time),  grabbing RTF text based on item ID.
This will allow at least for now,  sync from eccoPro with RETAINED formatting.  (kind of nice.  THANKS SLANG!!).
hope helpful.
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EccoMagic Master

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Reply #59 - 11/08/09 at 10:17:11
I requested this. We are progressing quickly into making a credible alternative.
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