Have sub items' folders filled in, based on a TABLE of the item's parents!
for this example,
you have several store locations,
at each location you have staff.
You want to print out a shift schedule, but you don't want to have to type in each persons name over and over, etc.
You could use a Pulldown list ==> if you have less than 256 options.
but sometimes it's just easier and much faster, to enter first & last initial, etc.
or many other instances where being able to LOOKUP A TABLE is extremely helpful!
(results could also be used in calculations, etc. etc.)
here, you could have a different list of names (different table) for each location..
you can have multiple tables....
key rule is:
Quote:++:!+NFP:imatch([^Table], "(?:^|\n)\Q" + [Index] + "==>\E(.*)(?:\r|\s*$)"):