What is this ?
short answer: demo of how sub-items can analyze/break apart a part's text or (as in the examples) folder contents. Displays specific line#s of a text 'file', or line#'s matching a sort from the same 'file'. Can also be used as a 'keyless' index system, etc. etc. Hope this inspires... Doing about 4 cool things here, in one rule:
Quote:++:+!NPIF:imatch([^Text] + [^Text2] + [^Text3] + [^Text4] + getpv(tv(), itl() - il() == 1) , "(?:[^\r]*\r\n?){" +( [Line#] - 1) + "}((?:[^\r]*\r\n?){1," +( [#ofLines] + 1)+ "})"):
[the 'N' helps make sure that the item updates both with it's own folder change, and it's parent's 'P'.]
We are comining several text folders of the parent "[^" *and* the item text of the parent as well "getpv(.."
We match that based on the value in folder "[Line#]" etc... to pull just the 'matched' text.
pulling out 1 + X number of lines starting at line number Y.
References a parent's folders ,
References parent's item text,
COMBINES referenced folders & item text in particular order,
builds a 'search'/'grab' based on content of items OWN folder!
kind of cool and amazing stuff!
Either the TEXT or the specified folder text Text1 - Text4 (or both), is the base,
for every SUB ITEM the value in line# and #ofLines control the 'output' for that sub item.
Sub item can have whatever item text you want...