ok, just some gentle reminders for all us 'old timers'.... 1) Forget all the old 'myths' about datestamps and running out of 'memory'. You can have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DATESTAMPS!!! actually, you can have, over ONE HUNDRED MILLION DATE STAMPS IN ECCO and NOT RUN OUT of "MEMORY!!". for real. the 'trick' is to understand how to use them. And it's worth getting it down. for any single 'date stamp' folder you can only have about 16,000 items stamped with it. sort of like a self-inking stamper that runs out of ink. you can still stamp more items... you just need a new stamper!! so... what to do... TURN ON AS MANY DATE AUTO DATE STAMPERS AS YOU WANT!! (although one is probably enough!!) then, every year or so... depending on how many items you enter... (remember, you can use the stamper only about 16,000 times, and each time you ENTER an item, (or sub-item [but not a folder], you use up "1" stamp. (if you delete that item, you get that stamp back..). when you reach a lot of stamps in a particular date stamp folder, simply do this: <1> Turn off the auto-assignment rule for that folder. (in regular ecco, a rule of "*" (an asterisk) is all you need in a date folder to have a date-stamp added every time an item is created). <2> Rename that folder something useful, eg. "Date Stamp" to "Date Stamp - 2007". <3> Create a NEW folder called "Date Stamp", and give that folder the auto-assignment rule of "*". if relevant <4> Add the new date stamp to places you want to see the current date stamp! again... DATE folders ***NEVER*** use of "FILE LIMITS".... *** EVER ***!!!! items and sub items can use up 'file limits' --> you can only have about 65,000 total items and sub-items. (but each item/sub can have thousands of lines). TEXT FOLDERS can use up file limites --> you can only have about 60,000 (often, only about 40 or 50 thousand, depending on other factors), of Text Folders containing any value--> and that value could be 1 character or 32,000!! [the 'file limit' is the same-- based on count of text folders used. Again: notice that a text folder which contains "14" counts against the file limit, but a NUMBER FOLDER which contains "141414" does not!! (smart use of number folders and pull-downs... greatly expands the 'file limits' in practical terms...) For the new user, notice that with dates you can filter based on "TODAY" (as the value to match, be less than, or be greater than) and, you can filter on "TODAY+43" and "TODAY-33" (ie. + and - but NOTE: NO SPACES!!!!)