This just does not make any sense to me.
On the one hand you state a cogent argument that Friedhelm Dohmann's intentions are less than honorable
and then turn around and advocate paying him $10! For what? I looked at his download file and all he did was take your old single directory Ecco files and split them into separate subdirectories. And left out a bunch of them at that. That is a minimal contribution from any community member and worth a "Thank you" but not any $$.
Then you come back two years later and make another special plea to pay him. Why? It does not compute! What am I missing ??? Did he contribute something somewhere else that warrants this consideration???
On a different note, is there some reason why you didn't include the link to the EccoMagic single directory install file? I had to go to Google to find it and then only after sifting through a lot of chaff. Assuming that I found the right one, the EccoMagic single directory install DL page URL is: The EccoPro401 Manual Install ZIP file (Complete installation) direct DL link is:
(Originally dated 10-31-07 and updated 03-08-09)
I hope I didn't step on anybody's toes here.