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eccoMAGIC MEMORY REPORTER (Popularity: 86081 )

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Show the link to this post eccoMAGIC MEMORY REPORTER
12/21/06 at 23:02:04
This program shows the number of  ITEMS, POINTERS, and number of  ITEMS IN NOTEPAD VIEWS.          
What is this ?          
Neither can go beyond 65,527.          
But note:          
EVEN IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 65,527  (ie.  free ID's available for more items)          
ID's are assigned for tasks while your outline is open.          
You may have some space... but still not be able to do some things (like filters, etc.)          
Why this program ?          
Written originally to save people from the very serious dangers of the 'debug' menu.   (If you don't know what it is... be glad!   If you know what it is and don't 100% understand what you are doing-- you can FOR REAL,   lose your data,  mess up your ecco, and cause 'damage' that even a 'Restore' will not fix for you.   The debug menu is cool for programmer types to play with for a week, but  it does not give you any STABLE functionality as it is.  So, this program was originally written so that the entire 'debug' menu could be avoided, and instead, everyone [beginner and advanced user alike] could use a simple, 100% safe, and USEFUL tool.)          
As more of the inner Ecco memory issues were revealed/understood, huge additional functionality was added to this program.  Alarms have been added to warn of dangerous conditions and internal computation based on the real-time numbers inside your Ecco file.  The program now shows you on an EXACT AND ONE TO ONE BASIS the real world *EXACT TO THE SINGLE ITEM* amount of available memory you have for items, views, and text variable pointers (ie. text folder data).  When the program reports "1" free,  adding even 1 line or column text item will get you "0", and a locked file... (since without ANY free memory you cannot even exit the file!)   Since memory can run out based on either of the 3 listed available memory areas being used up,  free space is reported based on the most limiting (starred "*") memory use.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.  "AS-IS".          
THIS IS A *BETA* FREEWARE.   PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!   (If the program does not work on your system,  sorry.   99.9% of the time that is due to anti-virus/anti-spyware software.   This program must 'spy' on ecco in order to work...  On systems where EM-MR actually doesn't run,  again, sorry.  The additional work in making software work on those .01% systems is unreasonable for freeware....  Try HotDog.  It works pretty good too.)          
Post updated Mar 14 2007,  version 1.13.          
Post updated May 23 2007,  version 1.15.
Post updated June 1  2010, version 1.80.      
Post updated April 15, 2013, version 2.0 posted in thread below.    
We are transmitting or delivering to you a copy of our software,  similar to if we were transmitting or delivering to you a copy of a radio show.  We own the original program, as an entire work, including but not limited to the coding, text, html,  images, graphics, layout, design, and look and feel, all of which are COPYRIGHT by us, and all rights to which are retained by and RESERVED by us.   Similarly, the source code including any and all parts which are based on our trade secret or any patented or patent-pending technology,  are retained by us,  and your right is limited to a right to use the object code distributed to you.   You agree not to look under the hood, and to keep fully secret and confidential, even from your own eyes,  all internal processes of the program.          
We grant you,  and only to you,  the right to use,  for either a single user on as many machines used exclusively by that user, or for a single machine with multiple non-remote users.   You may, of course,  make reasonable backups of the program, if kept securely by you,  and not in such a way that others might have access or the opportunity to copy or steal the program from your backups.          
You are authorized to re-transmit or copy the program for your own use, from a fixed media to another fixed media or to local RAM of your machine,  in order to use the program in an ordinary fashion.  You are not authorized to modify, crack, or hack the program.  Application or implementation of any  modification, crack, or hack, is a violation of this end user agreement, and a violation of the program's copyright.          
The the full extent permitted by law, no warranties are made, and the software is transmitted "as-is".  Use of this software has not been tested by us on your individual machine or circumstances,  and you acknowledge this and you agree to assume all risk of use.  No warranty of fitness for use, and no warranty for merchantability are made by us,  and ALL IMPLIED WARRIENTIES are, to the extent permitted by law,  fully disclaimed by us.   To the extent permitted by law,  the limitations of remedies for any breach of warranty is limited to replacement of the software, or refund of the purchase price,  at our exclusive option.          
This product is distributed "AS-IS".          
Please report any comments,  suggestions, bugs, or problems to:    BugReport@eccoMAGIC.com          
©Copr. 2006-2013.  ECCOMAGIC.  All Rights Reserved.
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« Last Edit: 04/15/13 at 04:40:45 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post How to be "Memory Efficient"
Reply #1 - 03/14/07 at 08:18:49
How to get MORE into a single .eco file:          
(1) Use LARGE Blocks for items within a single subitem  in place of long lists of sub items.   The size if your item does not count against your memory limit.          
eccoMAGIC!  (the paste as block program)  can help with that.  You can cut a bunch of sub items,  and shift-ctrl-V them back as a single block.  (Make sure you use this only with sub items that do NOT have folder information attached to them.   While you can join together sub items,  you cannot join together any folders attached to them).          
This trick also works with text folder data.  You can use Ctrl-Enter to make multi-line Text entries in text folders.   For example, in place of 2 folders "Name" and "Address"  you can have 1 folder "Name & Address" and have Name on the first line, and Address on the second line.          
(2) Use Number folders, pull-down lists, dates and checkbox folders instead of text folders.  (Numbers, dates, pulldowns, and checkboxes do NOT take up *any* pointers or item counts...).          
(3) Balance your allocation.  You are allowed up to 65521 items  and 65521 'pointers'.   Items do not count against pointers and visa-versa.    So... If you have too many folders which you use FOR ALL YOUR ITEMS,  then the file hits the 'pointer' ceiling  long before the items ceiling...          
(4) Close notepads you don't use  (or filter them with an 'off' filter when not in use-- a filter that is meant not to match anything, so nothing shows), collapse outline levels  you are not using, and/or use context filters  (such as current/recent dating) to reduce the number of items showing.  Your view line quota is literally the number of distinct lines showing in all of your views (notepads).          
Ecco Pro uses a 16 bit variable slot to keep track of Items, and another to track "Other pointers".  This allows for counting up to 65536.  Thus,  you are limited in the number of items (65521)  and the number of other things you can have or do (if they take up pointers).  Text columns take up 1 pointer per data item attached to an outline item.   You can have hundreds of folders,  pointers are used when actual text data (ie. not blank, not a number folder or check folder or pulldown folder, only actual TEXT) in a folder is attached to an outline item.          
Thus, you cannot have more than 65521 text folder items attached to outline items.  MOREOVER,  since doing things,  like filtering,  creating a new notepad, etc.,   also take up pointer memory,  you may be 'OUT OF MEMORY'  for certain tasks,  even while you have memory available to add more items...          
There also appears to be a set amount of memory allocated for each number Folder.  Each folder can contain a maximum of 10,895 numbers.  The 10,896th number is accepted, but 'breaks' the folder.  Once 'corrupted' numbers cannot be added or changed in that folder.  There is no material memory penalty for having multiple number folders,  #1 for items 1-10,000 #2 for 10,001-20,000,  etc.   An easy visual way to 'stack' numbers is to put the multiple number folders as subfolders of one master number folder.  Then have a column be in the name of the master folder, but showing subfolders.   The result will be the showing of the appropriate folder, with it's number in that column.  (Ie. master folder as "Case#",  sub folder 1 as "A", sub folder 2 as "B", etc.   If the number is in A it will show up in the column "A: 9,990" etc.)          
Other noteworthy set amount of memory that can be allocated:          
     Max # of views (notepads + calendar + phonebook + search results): < 29 ;          
     Max # of columns per view < 101 ;          
     Max # of Filters per file < 257 ;            
     Max # of pop-up values per pull-down folder < 256 ;        
     Max # of items which can be assigned the same pup-up folder < 16332 ;          
     Max # of items which can be assigned to the same Text or Date folder < 16384 ;          
     Max # of items which can be assigned to the same checkbox folder < 32768 ;          
     Max # of OLE objects per file < 32768  [untested, but very likely].          
The attached example (at paperclip below) has 3 .eco files, each with the SAME exact data in the same exact number of records-- Each has 1,000 phonebook records. The 'Standard' version will take about 2,000 more records and reach max memory at about 3 thousand total entries.   Compare that to the 'tight' version which will accept over 13 thousand entries (ie. over 400% more), with the same FULL information retained.  (The 'tightest' possible phonebook in Ecco can handle a max of about 30,000 entries with carefully tailored fields to fit the information *and* still have a (32 kilobyte capacity) sub item per entry for notes, etc.).          
Kind of neat.
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« Last Edit: 05/13/08 at 19:26:32 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: FREEWARE eccoMAGIC MEMORY REPORTER
Reply #2 - 04/11/08 at 01:54:10

Note:  see also the thread on "Annual maintenance and the Done Folder" in The eccoMAGIC Forums » Ecco Tutorials, Tips and How-to Guides » Advanced theory, practice and tips [LINK]
also related:
HELP!!!!  Unable to complete command, low memory condition detected!
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« Last Edit: 05/12/08 at 13:14:30 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: eccoMAGIC MEMORY REPORTER
Reply #3 - 11/19/08 at 17:11:53

Not to accuse myself of reinventing the wheel,
but note this historic post just happen to run across:

Sun Feb 4, 2001 4:38 pm

Nick Gordon <nickg@...>

The Ecco File Limit FAQ

Version 1.0

4 February 2001

Author: Nick Gordon (nickg@...)


This is a short FAQ on the Ecco file size limitations. Since none of this was
ever formally documented by Arabesque or Netmanage, it's had to be put together
from various bits and pieces of information I've gathered. It owse a big debt of
gratitude to a number of people who've spent their time and effort trying to
understand and communicate this stuff for the benefit of the Ecco community at
large. I'm not naming them, because I don't know or remember who all of them
were, and I'd hate anyone to feel left out. You know who you are. Thank you.

I'm pretty confident that this information is accurate; however, no warranty,
express or implied attaches to this, and you have to use it at your own risk.
I'm happy to try to answer questions, provided you understand that I don't have
any privileged knowledge or access.

If anyone can improve on the information here, please let me know, and I'll
happily update it. In the emantime, I hope it's useful to you all.

What exactly is the story about the Ecco item limit? How many items can I have?

Ecco has (unhappily) some internal limits which result from its design. These
were not an issue in the far-off, halcyon days when we were young and Ecco was
new, but they have become so now that we're wizened and grey and Ecco has passed
the first flush of youth. The limits are obviously not going be changed, and so
we loyal disciples of the True Path have to manage our lives within their

What follows are the details of the various limits. I hope they're clear and
understandable. If not, please tell me and I'll do my best to make them so.

Items in a file: 64,000

An item is the thing with a bullet next to it - a TopLevel Item in Ecco-speak.
Sub-Level Items do not count towards this limit. Items appearing in multiple
Notepads only count as one item.

Items and folders in Notepads: 64,000

This means the total of all the items and folders in all your Notepads must not
exceed 64,000, and so you could break the 64K limit without actually having that
many individual items. This figure will include items in Search Results and
Scratch Notepads, and so if you have many items in your file, you need to be
careful of this.

A reminder: if the total of items OR the total of items and folder in Notepads
hits 64K, you'll get the error.

Total Notepads: 31

3 are already taken for Calendar, Phonebook and Search Results, and a 4th if you
ever use Scratch, as I do. So you can define 27 of your own.

Popup folder values: 255

I don't know whether this is per folder, or in the whole file. When I get time,
I'll test it

Maximum number of text folder/column values: 62K

I understand this to mean that 62K is the number of different values you can
have in total, adding in all the values in all the text-type folders in the

Max number of items in a single checkmark field: 32K
Max number of items in a single text field: 16K
Max number of items in a single date field: 16K
Max number of items in a popup field: 21K
Max number of items in a number field: 10K

I understand all these to mean that <n> is the maximum number of items that can
share the same folder value, of the type described.
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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: eccoMAGIC MEMORY REPORTER
Reply #4 - 01/25/09 at 17:20:51

If everything is working,  you should see a display like the one below.
(Remember,  run Ecco *before* EM-MR)
If you don't see the display on your system,  most likely you have an anti-spyware program that is blocking it.
NOTE:  If you hold down the "ALT" key when launching,  EM-MR will use  an alternate reporting mode.   In the alternative reporting mode the color of the display is more green than in the shown example.
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« Last Edit: 01/26/09 at 13:21:25 by Admin »  


The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: eccoMAGIC MEMORY REPORTER
Reply #5 - 04/15/13 at 04:36:46

New version, 2.0 reports file memory statistics in Ecco's title bar.
Run with Shift key depressed to disable the new feature.
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