Get the date expression contained in item text.
Works with the following date formats
- today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow
- [next|last] Mon. Monday, Tues. Tuesday, etc.
- Jan. 10, February 12, etc
- 12/31, 11-25, etc
- 2008-8-1, 2009/9/1
- mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy
where the year is not specified the current year is assumed
Relative date expression may be used to calulate a date in the future
- +(-)xd plus or minus "x" days (eg. +5d, -27d)
- +(-)xw plus or minus "x" weeks
- +(-)xm plus or minus "x" months
- +(-)xy plus or minus "x" years
- -2y9m 6w2d (calculates from "today")
x = item_id;
y = get_contain_date(x)
x is assigned the item id which changes as the data file changes and hence must be checked everytime;
y is assigned the date in the item text of the item with item id x
See eccoext expression get_contain_date() for other examples of valid date expression
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