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"Unable to complete command low memory condition detected" (Popularity: 8527 )
EccoMagic Apprentice

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Show the link to this post "Unable to complete command low memory condition detected"
06/14/17 at 09:11:45
I need some help in resolving a memory issue for one of my users not sure what i have to do to stop this issue without deleting items any help regarding this issue will be appreciated
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: "Unable to complete command low memory condition detected"
Reply #1 - 06/14/17 at 11:15:17
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« Last Edit: 06/15/17 at 18:54:56 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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Show the link to this post Re: "Unable to complete command low memory condition detected"
Reply #2 - 06/15/17 at 17:40:02

my user has 10,769 items 14,978 view lines and 65,365 pointers : (162 free) can you give me a quick explanation on how pointers are and how to drop them down i am guessing that is the issue.

First,  with the Memory Reporter, a '*' will appear next to the limiting count.  So,  you have a * next to the pointers count,  that gives you 162 free pointers left....  
so, you've used up pointers,  but you only have 11k items.
that is about 6 pointers per item....
this is a STRUCTURAL problem with the design of your ecco database structure,
you're not using folders/items effectively....  wasting pointers on too many text folder per item.
Some solutions:
can you use numeric or pulldown folders instead of text folders.  For example,  State and Zip can be pulldown and numeric instead of text folders.  (see example file here: http://forums.eccoMAGIC.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1166763739/1#1 )
can you combine text folders...  a LARGE text folder with 34k of text uses 1 pointer.   A text folder with only 1 character uses 1 pointer.    Ahhhh.   (ps: Control+Enter will add line in-between text when entering text column values...)
Can you use subitems to hold info instead of multi-text folders.  (ps: Shift+Enter will add lines in-between text when entering item text...)
Have you tried MagicView to hold all text data for item ?
Use the slang-extension and use 'Extended Text' folders which allow many more than 65k text folders if not much text in them...    If you use the slang extension, you will likely find, your pointers do down to 11K....  which is probably your best solution.. maybe...
Ecco will hold up to 64k items.     11k items is about 80% empty, item wise...   but you can only use 64k text folders.  So you must limit # of text folders PER ITEM.    
also note:   sqlNotes  (infoqube.biz) does not have the 64k limitations,  you might look at it.
hope helpful.  
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« Last Edit: 06/15/17 at 19:18:32 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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Show the link to this post Re: "Unable to complete command low memory condition detected"
Reply #3 - 02/13/19 at 13:04:48
How can I obtain the memory reporter program? I've not been able to find out (yet) on this site. Thanks.
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I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: "Unable to complete command low memory condition detected"
Reply #4 - 03/07/19 at 13:17:29
Quote from idlerwheel on 02/13/19 at 13:04:48:
How can I obtain the memory reporter program? I've not been able to find out (yet) on this site. Thanks.

did a search for 'memory reporter' in quick search box in upper right of forum webapge (see top right of this page, for example...)
it came up with link to:
which is what you want...
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The Administrator.
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Show the link to this post Re: "Unable to complete command low memory condition detected"
Reply #5 - 04/02/19 at 15:51:06
Got it (the memory reporter app). I'm running ECCO Pro in Linux under the Wine emulator, so I'm not sure if this will work correctly: haven't tried it yet. Thank you, Admin.
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I Love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: "Unable to complete command low memory condition detected"
Reply #6 - 04/07/19 at 18:43:03
I'm reporting back.
I'm running ECCO Pro within Linux Mint v19.9, which is based on Ubuntu 18.04 "Bionic Beaver," under the Wine Windows emulator (I believe my Wine is v.4.0).
I moved the ECCO Memory Reporter executable into my working ECCO directory (you'll notice that in the Unix/Linux world, directory levels are separated by forward slashes instead of backslashes.) Then, I renamed the file. Here's my complete Linux directory string, as an example:
/home/richard/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files (x86)/ECCO/ecco-memory-reporter.exe
I executed it with "Open with 'Wine Windows program loader.'"
This utility is working in Linux, as is the basic ECCO program!
(ECCO is working for me, not without a few bugs, but it's usable. I'll discuss this in a separate post.)
It produces a thin free-floating graphic window.
It reported "18,385 Items*/13047 View Lines/5,905 Pointers: (47,142 free)".
This is probably accurate.
Thanks, Admin.
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