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EM-ADT vs. Ecco Ext. (Popularity: 13907 )
EccoMagic Apprentice

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Show the link to this post EM-ADT vs. Ecco Ext.
12/19/15 at 03:29:44
This is my 1st post here, ever.
I've been using EccoPro since the mid 90s, and Ecco Ext. in the last year or 2.
Recently (last few months), Ecco started to behave strangely:
- The times column (below the day & date header) in Calendar view shifts to the Right
- Dates in The Appointments column of the Phonebook flicker On & Off as the mouse pointer hovers over. Interesting visual effects, but freakish non-the-less.
The dreaded "Unable to complete command" error messages started showing up a few days ago. It seemed to be related to the Appointments folder.
Here's what I've tried so far:
 - delete / rename  *.alm, *.fdb, *.cfx  files
That helped in the past, but this time seemed to, at best, extend the times between the error messages.
Next, I deleted many items & appointments + archive & recover operations.
At some point Ecco stopped working completely.
Deleted Ecco folder, registry entries, and re-installed Ecco (portable).
Still no go. Looked again at many online resources (this one included), and saw a reference to win.ini. Deleted the winfax entry.
That seems to have fixed it (actually, I think I had to install the normal Ecco to setup the Win Registry keys properly).
Added the Ecco Ext. and launched my file again.
The dreaded "Unable to complete command" error messages came back.
Running the Slang's Ext. "Fix Corrupt File" tool triggered a File Data Inconsistency found message, and Ecco saved it as an *.ecx file (i.e labeled it corrupt and non-repairable).
So my questions are:
Does the EM-ADT tool give me a sure way to fix my current file, compared to Ecco's built-in Recover+ Slang's Ext. tools ?
Can  the EM-ADT do that without losing parts of my Ecco's database (or at least telling me which parts had to be wiped out) ?
If I use Slang's Ext., Do I need to apply "Fix Corrupt File" operation to all of my backed-up Ecco files until I find one that is not corrupt ?
I hope this post helps others who, like me, used Ecco for a while, relatively trouble-free until one day (or gradually) this auxiliary memory thingy collapses in our face  undecided
Turns out that when "Recover' is used, if the file wasn't completely fixed, Ecco would refuse to save it, displaying "Unable to complete command" error message.
If you're lucky and persistent in keeping applying "Compact" & Recover', your damaged file might get resurrected.  
If you manage to get Ecco to enter a spiral of never-ending error messages, that requires Task Manager intervention, Ecco would stop working altogether, again displaying "Unable to complete command" error message on launching, and quitting after dismissal of the dialog. The only fix is deleting the *.alm & *.fdb files.
BTW: Where are everybody ?
I guess when you're waiting for an answer, a day or 2 look like a long while Smiley
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« Last Edit: 12/20/15 at 16:52:30 by SabraSkater »  
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EccoMagic Apprentice


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Show the link to this post Re: EM-ADT vs. Ecco Ext.
Reply #1 - 12/21/15 at 16:04:20
Sorry I don't know the answer to your question, but since this doesn't seem to be a very active forum (I just happened to check it today for the first time in a very long time), I just wanted to assure you that you are not alone.  I rely on ECCO every single day.  In case you don't know, there is a Yahoo ECCO support group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/eccopro/info .  There seem to be a lot of techies there.  Hopefully, they can help get your ECCO back up and running.  Good luck!
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EccoMagic Apprentice

I Love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post Re: EM-ADT vs. Ecco Ext.
Reply #2 - 12/23/15 at 02:18:30
Thanks mr4523mr.
I was posting it here since it is Slang's 'territory', and he's the creator of the Ecco Extension & EM-ADT.
As you can probably tell by my update, I managed to resolve it after 4 scary days of running around without part of my brain (Ecco, that's it) being functional.
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I love Ecco!

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Reply #3 - 01/19/16 at 07:39:50

1. Personally recommed https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ecco_pro/info  (the *new* group) for help...  for long list of reasons,  old group long ago, scammed out.  (and old group has lurking spam bots to steal email addresses & info for future spam to you....)
2. Try restoring file when it is not loaded.  i.e., File > Database > Recover  and select file NOT IN MEMORY / i.e., not running in ecco AT THE TIME.
3. Always keep a few generation of .eco backups !!!   (there are ecco options for auto-backups) and you can daily/weekly simply make copy of your .eco file...   <<best to do entire system backup weekly/daily/monthly etc..>>  so you always have a file to 'go back to'  if necessary..
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