Here is a translation of the above: When you save Ecco files, ecco can keep one (or more) backups. Thus, with each save, Ecco could keep a sequence of [your file name].bk1, [your file name].bk2,[your file name].bk3,[your file name].bk4, etc. How many backups are kept, YOU select via the File > Properties > Backups dialog. This setting applies to both manually saving a file (Control + S), and auto-background saves. ALSO, there is an optional 'Network Backup' (check option to activate, and Browse to select directory and file name). This option is also found in the File > Properties > Backups dialog. You can select a networked drive (if you have one and want to use it for a backup) OR, you can use any folder on your computer (and any file name) to save a once a day backup OUTSIDE OF THE SEQUENTIAL SET OF BACKUPS. In addition to selecting how many versions of the last saved document are kept, you can select how often ecco auto-saves its files (if at all). That is set in the Tools > Options > Files dialog. Checking "Autosave all files every" __ min (and selecting desired interval). well set up the auto-save option.