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EccoFileMagic :: 50+ file/view/column features (Popularity: 23083 )

I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post EccoFileMagic :: 50+ file/view/column features
02/24/09 at 15:57:04

A *lot* of stuff. Kind of Cool.
"Makes working with multiple files & multiple views a breeze.  Instantly open any active ecco file -- from anywhere.   Instantly switch back and forth between 2 ecco files.   SCROLL through your views,  SCROLL through your files.   Instantly access your 100 most recent files.   Instant fold & unfold of outline sub levels.   Scroll your columns,  scroll the displayed folder tabs.  Alt hotkey for 20 open pads,  adjust column width instantly,  instantly clear calendar lower pane,   restore missing ecco shortcuts for missing features,  non-destructive hotkey to phonebook, experimental but cool features like calendar column shrinker. experimental framed view for multi columns and folder info,  and more and more."
     *   Scroll files, viewpads, columns
     *   List & jump to an active file or viewpad
     *   List, search and load from the 100 most recent files
     *   Instant 'Go Back' (and forth) between viewpads or open files
     *   Instant Ecco resizing
     *   Instant column adjustments
     *   Item browsing (fold & unfold)
     *   Ecco Text voice reader (Vocalizer)
     *   Alt+shift to 20 views by hotkey
     *   Non-destructive jump to phonebook  
     *   Restore ECCO shortcuts for XP/Vista
     *   Verticalize the Second viewpane
     *   Switch to any active Ecco file-- instantly, and from anywhere!
     *   and more and more and more ....
Overview Quote:

This tool does so incredibly much, the possibilities are at first overwhelming. Once you get it down, it all (or mostly) makes sense and is easy to use.

For example, the 1-2-3 keys are combined with the Windows key to activate

1 - Active Files
2 - Active ViewPads
3 - Recent files

Using Winkey + Shift for 1 and 2 jumps you back and forth with the most recently jumped to location. Makes it *very* easy to jump back and forth between notepads or files.

Using Control + Winkey + 3 allows you to search most recent.

If you prefix your search with ">" a 'Regular Expression' search will be performed. Ie. ">file[12]" will match file1 and file2. If you don't know about Regular Expressions, a normal search works great too!

Using Winkey + Shift and the arrow keys moves you around. Winkey + Shift UP and DOWN move you up and down between open files. (It's Nice!!). Winkey + Shift + LEFT and RIGHT move you left and right among the viewpads. (It's also Nice!!).

(Please stay away from 'experimental' features with live data!)


again,  this is a pre-release.  There are over 70 features.  Making a single feature 'universal' to work on all or even most ecco systems in use is a trick.  With 70+ features very likely will be some bugs and issues on various systems.  Feel free to report.
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« Last Edit: 03/14/10 at 15:28:29 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: EccoFileMagic :: 50+ file/view/column features
Reply #1 - 08/25/16 at 04:18:38
here is what this tool can do:
     This tool does so incredibly much,  the possibilities are at first overwhelming.  Once you get it down,  it all (or mostly) makes sense and is easy to use.
     For example,  the 1-2-3 keys are combined with the Windows key to activate
           1 - Active Files
           2 - Active ViewPads
           3 - Recent files
     Using Winkey + Shift for 1 and 2  jumps you back and forth with the most recently jumped to location.  Makes it *very* easy to jump back and forth between notepads or files.
     Using Control + Winkey + 3  allows you to search most recent.
           If you prefix your search with ">" a 'Regular Expression' search will be performed.   Ie.  ">file[12]" will match file1 and file2.   If you don't know about Regular Expressions,  a normal search works great too!
     Using Winkey + Shift and the arrow keys moves you around.   Winkey + Shift UP and DOWN move you up and down between open files.  (It's Nice!!).    Winkey + Shift + LEFT and RIGHT  move you left and right among the viewpads.  (It's also Nice!!).
     (Please stay away from 'experimental' features with live data!)
File switching:
     Winkey + Shift + Down :: Next File
     Winkey + Shift + Up :: Prior File
     Winkey + Control + Shift + Home :: Last active File
     Winkey + 1  ::  Insta-Select File
     Winkey + Control + 1:: Insta-Select File 'Full' mode
     Winkey + Control + Alt + 1 :: Hyper-Safe Insta-Select File
     Winkey + Shift + 1:: Instant 'Go Back' to File
View Selection:
     Winkey + Shift + Right :: Next View
     Winkey + Shift + Left :: Prior View
     Winkey + Shift + Home :: Last active View
     Winkey + Shift + END ::  Mark as last active
     Winkey + 2 :: Insta-Select View
     Winkey + Control + 2:: Insta-Select Sorted View
     Winkey + Shift + 2:: Instant 'Go Back' to View
     Winkey + Alt + 2:: Safe Jump to phonebook view
File Selection:
     Winkey + 3 :: Select File to open
     Winkey + Control + 3 :: Search for File to open
     Winkey + Shift + 3 :: Select file to open (Full path)
Ecco Window:
     Winkey + Alt + Left ::  Thin
     Winkey + Alt + Right :: Wide
     Winkey + Alt + Down :: Long
     Winkey + Control + Down :: Verticalize Second Pane
     Winkey + Alt + F11 :: Full Screen
     Winkey + Alt + T :: Topmost Window on Desktop Toggle
Special Keys:
     Winkey + Shift + 4 ::  §
Vocalize Selection:
     Winkey + Shift + 7 :: Vocalize
     NOTE: Requires your system to be compatible.  Does not work on all systems.  As you will see,  vocalizes selected items but will ignore subitems if a parent is selected.   To vocalize subitems,  select those items without selecting their parent.
Sub-Item Folding:
     Browser Back ::  Fold into parent
     Browser Forward :: Unfold
     Shift + Browser Back :: 'Static' Fold
     Shift + Browser Forward :: 'Static' Unfold
Form Viewing Tools:
     Winkey + F :: Frame expansion (experimental)
Column Scrolling:
     Winkey + Control + Right :: Column Right
     Winkey + Control + Left :: Column Left
     Winkey + Control + Shift + Right :: View Tab Bar Scrool Right
     Winkey + Control + Shift + Left :: View Tab Bar Scrool Left
Pane Adjustment:
     Winkey + Shift + Control + A :: Kill lower section
     Winkey + Control + A :: Shrink lower section
     Winkey + A :: Thin Columns
     Winkey + Shift + A :: Calendar expansion (experimental!)
     Winkey + Alt + A :: Calendar expansion II (experimental!)
Restored Ecco Features:
     Alt + Control + A ::  Show All Names in Phonebook
     Alt + Control + H ::  Hide Phonebook Form
     Alt + Control + O ::  Phonebook Search Options
     Alt + Control + P ::  Address Printing Options
     Alt + Shift + R  ::  Add Related Dates
     Alt + Shift + E  ::  Show Related Dates
     Alt + Shift + U ::  Sum
     Alt + Control + 1  :: Phonebook Form 1
     Alt + Control + 2  :: Phonebook Form 2
     Alt + Control + 3  :: Phonebook Form 3
     Alt + Control + 4  :: Phonebook Form 4
     Alt + Control + 5  :: Phonebook Form 5
     Alt + Control + 6  :: Phonebook Form 6
     Alt + Control + 7  :: Phonebook Form 7
     Alt + Control + 8  :: Phonebook Form 8
     Alt + Control + 9  :: Phonebook Form 9
     Control + Shift + 1  :: Children to Level 1
     Control + Shift + 2  :: Children to Level 2
     Control + Shift + 3  :: Children to Level 3
     Control + Shift + 4  :: Children to Level 4
     Control + Shift + 5  :: Children to Level 5
     Control + Shift + 6  :: Children to Level 6
     Control + Shift + 7  :: Children to Level 7
     Control + Shift + 8  :: Children to Level 8
     Control + Shift + 9  :: Children to Level 9
Power hotkeys:
     Control + Shift + F :: Find & Replace
     Control + Shift + R :: Screen Refresh
     Control + Shift + S  :: Item Split
     Control + Shift + B  :: Item Break
     Control + Shift + P (V in original Ecco) :: Paste Special
     Control + Shift + T :: File Properties
Extended View Hotkeys
     Alt + 0 :: View 10
     Alt + Shift + 1 :: View 11
     Alt + Shift + 2 :: View 12
     Alt + Shift + 3 :: View 13
     Alt + Shift + 4 :: View 14
     Alt + Shift + 5 :: View 15
     Alt + Shift + 6 :: View 16
     Alt + Shift + 7 :: View 17
     Alt + Shift + 8 :: View 18
     Alt + Shift + 9 :: View 19
     Alt + Shift + 0 :: View 20
From 'Missed Alarms' or 'Review Alarms' Dialogues:
     Control + C :: Copy (Full Width) Alarm List
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WOW.  Smiley
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