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MagicView :: Gather Information & Take Notes (Popularity: 292555 )

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Reply #20 - 09/11/09 at 06:29:15

Example 17  
WebClips Template.
(Especially helpful for new Ecco_Pro users!)
What's going on here  
Attached for downloading is an .ect template to use as a base or an example for organizing web clips.  
The date clipped is automatically recorded,  and clips can be found & viewed by day/week/month in the calendar view.

While an outline allows you to organize massive quantities of data,  the outline does not organize it for you while you sleep.    
Many new users want to clip clip clip,  but aren't yet at home at organizing all those clips.   The template provides one way.   (This is just ONE way of organizing,  there are many others,  including the use of folders to designate categories of clips in place of outline subjects.  You can even use auto-assignments in folders based on key-word in the item's text,  and with slang-extension regex key-word in MagicView page).
You can clip clip clip directly into the "WebMagic Folder".   BUT.... every day you should move each item to some appropriate place in your web clips outline.
The Magic Hijack! tool is *highly* recommended for the purpose.  The eccomagic Classic tool (www.eccomagic.com) is also helpful in allowing simple cut & paste of items with magicview pages.  Native ecco copy and paste will not copy folder values (and MV page is a folder value). In Native Ecco you can still move items manually.   To do this: from the "WebMagic Inbox" tab, *FIRST* click an item into the Web Clips folder by clicking on that column,  then remove from the Inbox folder by clicking on *that* column.  (Doing in reverse order will create an 'orphan'.)
Once you move an item into the Web Clips folder,   it is critical you drag & drop the item (or alt + UP/ alt + DOWN) where it belongs in YOUR outline.    
(With the Magic Hijack! tool you can mark one or more items (Winkey + M)  and simply place them where you desire (Winkey + Shift + M)).
With either the Magic Hijack! tool or manual movement,  you can mark (Control + Click / Shift + Click) multiple items and move them all together.  The shortcut keys such as Control + J,  Control + 1, Control + 2, Control + 3,  Control + H, Control + G, Control + E,   etc.,  are *very* helpful in moving around and using the outline.  It is very much worth meeting and getting to knows these very helpful ecco friends (and their click equivalents such as double click on dot, Alt + double click, Control + double click) .
Some tips:
Think about designations and differences that make sense TO YOU.  
Think about the general AREAS of SUBJECTS that you typically clip from.
When any item or sub item gets too 'full',  figure out how to define sub parts that make sense.
If the information is not worth a few seconds to organize at the end (or start) of the day,  the info is not worth clipping!
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« Last Edit: 11/02/09 at 15:32:46 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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Reply #21 - 09/21/09 at 12:39:46

Example 18  
Dual MagicView panes for each item.
Two entirely separate MagicView panes are active for each item in the .eco file.  Click on or move to any item and see the respective magicview page in the appropriate MV pane.  All functions inside the MV panes work as usual.
Extremely useful  for example:  
1. When one of the MV panes is set to "Always Encrypt" with a 'supervisor' password.   For example,  project workers can have setup with single MV view and record notes and clips as usual.  'Hidden' secondary pane is locked with password and cannot be viewed by project worker in any case.  'Supervisor" views items with both the project worker comments and the 'supervisor' comments in the second MV pane.
2. For advanced network users,  the MagicView_ folders can be shared and the MagicViewB_ folders private, allowing both a shared and private set of MV pages for each item.  
What's going on here  
This is something for 'advanced' MagicView users.  Very much recommend to get to know MagicView well before trying this.
Concept 1: Two MV panes in same Ecco window.   This requires setting up three 'notepads' per view.   One notepad is the actual pad viewed,  the two others to position the MV panes.  One MV should be configured as "Top"  the other not.   You can add views to one of the MV's exclusion windows for views where another setup is desired.
An alternative is to have one MV pane inside Ecco, and one or more MV panes outside of Ecco.  Requires no special setup within .eco file,  functions exactly the same.
Concept 2: One of the MV sessions is to for "Alternate Folders" (Alt + 2,  or File > Folder Options menu).  Up to about 10,000 primary and 10,000 secondary pages can be used per file.   (15,000 primary and secondary if "Strict Page Choice" is also enabled).  
Strick Page Choice restricts the MV pane to either the primary or secondary viewpage.  If this option is not selected,  both MV panes will display the same (primary or secondary) page when that is the only MV page attached to the active item.
Concept 3:  Each MV session is individually set to "QuickView" mode (Winkey + Q) *from within each MV pane*.  (The "Pause" button feature is helpful for controlling by which MV pane external clips are captured.  
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Reply #22 - 09/24/09 at 16:32:11

Example 19  
Group Export Output.
A live version in packaged export format is posted here,
and a live version in HTML format is posted HERE.
What's going on here  
A large demonstration file of the "Group Export" feature.
Select desired items, File > Group Export.
The export consists of a primary index.html  and a folder containing one file per MV viewpage.
Both internally & externally stored view pages *and* attachments (DOC/DjVu/PDF/EML/ZIP/MP3/WAV/AVI/etc) can be exported.
Within the exported tree view:
The tree pane can be expanded by dragging the right border.
Shift + Click on item's 'dot' shows an items direct children (like Control +J in Ecco),    
Control + Shift + Click performs the same for current item & all subsequent.
1. In the browser viewing the index.html  support for MHT (and any other data types included in the export,  such as PDF, etc.) must be properly set-up.  Javascript must be allowed for the collapse functionality of the treeview.
2. MS Internet Explorer is pre-configured for MHT files.  Firefox and similar browsers require setting up the appropriate plugin to view MHT files,  or in the alternative,  require a "IE TAB" add-on  to view the index.html.  If browser is not properly set up,  selecting any item will either cause the appropriate view page to open IN A NEW WINDOW (instead of the viewing pane to the right of the tree view),  or will show some 'technical' information followed by a TEXT version of the view page (followed by a HTML code of the page).
3. Depending on system settings,  when a packaged export is used over the web, the FIRST time a large viewpage item is click on,  only a 'blank' page (or a text only page) may show.  (The delay in loading 'confuses' the windows rendering system).   If presented with a blank page or 'text only' click again on the item and the page will be properly displayed.  
4. The first 'live' example above involves about 125 'packaged' files and is 100% portable (can zip & relocate anywhere). The same example using HTML export format involves about 2,200 files and is not portable (moving the files breaks links to 'grounded' images), but is 100% web compatible.
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« Last Edit: 10/20/09 at 14:29:37 by Admin »  


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Reply #23 - 10/27/09 at 12:47:02

Example 20  
Vertical pane
here in calendar view:

here with side by side outline views:

here as a reference pane with three outline views:

and below showing a live Excel spreadsheet.
What's going on here  
The vertical pane arrangement allows working with a wide ecco pane or with dual ecco panes and a full sized magicview pane.  Depending on the focus of information,  can be very helpful.    
How to:
View > Magicview Position > Vertical Pane  (or Winkey + F6) toggles Vertical pane mode.
Dragging an excel spreadsheet to the ItemText box will link that spreadsheet to the active item.  (Hold down Control + Shift to internalize,  or Shift to 'auto-ground' the spreadsheet- ie., save it in the .web folder).    
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« Last Edit: 10/27/09 at 17:11:19 by Admin »  


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Reply #24 - 11/15/09 at 00:55:52

Example 21  
Audio player
What's going on here  
The MagicView pane supports internal (and externally linked) audio (and video & games).  
Audio notes, especially where each note covers a distinct subject, idea, or issue,   can be effectively outlined just like text.   By using the item text to described or summarize the audio,   a very effective outline can be created.  
How to:
Select any item in Ecco and view the MV page for that item (Winkey + /).
Drag & drop to the ItemText box ( or File > Load > Load Disk File ) any AVI, MPG, WMV, SWF, MP4, MP3, WAV, MID, WMA, or similar multi-media file.  If the file is under 6 Megs (under 500k  recommended) holding down the shift & control keys when dropping will cause the file to be internally stored in ecco.   Holding down the shift key will cause a copy of the file to be stored in the file's ".web" folder.  Dropping with no modifier keys pressed creates a live link to the file.  (A linked file can be grounded at any time, either to the .web folder or internalized).
Multiple (even thousands) of media files can be drag & dropped into Ecco/MV at the same time.
MagicView has a built in audio recorder for taking quick notes (Edit > Recording  or F10) which makes it easy to record (and even append to) quick audio notes for any ecco item.   Audio notes are saved to the file's .web folder and may be internalized via the Shift + Alt + G (ground viewpage) function.    
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« Last Edit: 12/27/09 at 12:40:10 by Admin »  


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Reply #25 - 12/01/09 at 16:05:06

Example 22  
"How do I organize my documents ?"
What's going on here  

Ecco organization generally.

The underlying power of Ecco allows you to OUTLINE the structure of your documents (and audio & video files).  One example might be:

* TLI = Client Matter

Sub item 1 = Filings

Sub item 2 = Correspondence, etc.

Individual documents in this example are placed under the appropriate sub item.

Documents can also be tagged by multiple categorizations and instant searches/views created based on category.  Documents can be assigned (even automatically) to multiple category or date folders (for sequencing, exporting a time line,  and viewing in daily/weekly/monthly calendar views), and all documents of the same type can be viewed together, in full context.


Adding documents to MagicView.

Literally tens of thousands of documents can be added to an ecco file at once, but there is a preliminary question to ask:

Question 1:  Where do you want the documents physically to reside ?

There are 3 options. 

1. On your disk or network, exactly where they are.

In this case you'll create a live 'link' to the files.   Note: if you move or rename the files the link will be broken.  On the other hand,  if you update the file and keep the same file name,  the updated file will be linked.

2. A fixed copy of the file in the ecco file's ".web" folder on your hard drive (or network).

This is safe.  This does not touch the original file,  only make a copy of it in the ".web" folder.

By networking the ".web" folder, these files can be shared across a network freely.

(This is the recommended approach to try.)

3. An internalized copy of the file inside of ecco.

This allows keeping all related files together & sharing them in an ecco network (without the need to also sync a shared network ".web" folder).

So long as the files are not too large (up to about 1/2 a Meg) this works fast & effectively.   (Files up to 6 Megs in size per file can be 'internalized' but viewing is slow due to the data transfer rate of so much data in and out of ecco.)

Up to about 1.5 Gigs of information can be stored in each ecco file.


There are many ways to add files to a MagicView page,  the simplist of which is dragging the file(s) into MagicView's 'Drop Box'.



1. Activate the Drop Box: From within MagicView via  View > Drop Box  (or  Winkey + Alt + B).

2. You can Drag the drop box to move it as desired.

3. Files dragged tot he Drop Box will be inserted at the currently selected ecco item.  If that item is a "Top Level" item,  the insertion will be as sub-items,  otherwise as new ecco items following the currently selected item.

4. If you want to 'localize' or 'ground' the files,  e.g., to copy them to the ecco file's ".web" folder,  hold down the shift key when you drop the files into the ItemText box or Drop Box.

5. If you want to 'internalize' the files to store them entirely within the ecco file,  hold down the control + shift keys together when dragging the files.

Note: You can 'ground' any linked file (ie., move a copy to the ".web" folder) at any time by pressing Alt + G when the item is viewed in MagicView.


6. Files may also be added to any active MagicView page by:

A. Dragging and dropping to the MagicView pane's  "Item Text" box.

1. Select a parent item under which you desire to insert files. 

2. In Ecco go to that item.

3. Load its MagicView page (Winkey + / ).

4. Drag one or more files (PDF/ DjVu/ MHT/ DOC/ XLS/ EML/ JPEG/ WAV/ AVI/ SWF/ MP3/ MPEG/ HTML/ ETC) to the MagicView pane's "Item Text" box.

B. Using a 'File Selection Dialog' to select any file, via File > Load > File.

C. Loading the file name in the clipboard via  File > Load > Shift +  File.


Note: After you've attached documents (or multimedia files) to ecco items, you can select multiple items and Winkey + /  to load them all together in a 'multi-view' (similar to EverNote's ribbon but instantly exportable to a web browser while also allowing you to select which documents are included).   To view documents in a selected 'multiview', press F2,  or press Alt + W  to send the 'multiview' to your browser to view the documents.  (Multi-view features also come into play, for example Alt + Home provides a multi-view index,  Alt + L allows zooming to any single item, etc.)

To have the documents shown in MagicView to always be the document attached to the active ecco item,  activate 'QuickView' mode by pressing Winkey + Q. 


You can freely move items in Ecco around,  and their linked documents move with them.  To Copy (or Cut)  & Paste items with their view pages  (to the same or other .eco files)  use the EccoMagic Classic tool .  If you make extensive use of moving ecco items,  the MagicHijack tool is recommended (as is learning to use Ecco in multi-view mode to show multiple viewpads at the same time).  Placing the MV pane in 'vertical' mode is often helpful when working with native ecco multiple columns.

You can also export your documents in outline format to a html format that all web browsers (if the systems have installed the proper software to view the relevant type of files, eg., pdf, djvu, etc., ) will be able to view.  Both the ecco outline and the attached documents will be exported.


Once you get the hang of EccoMV,  it really is easy.  'Getting the hang' sometimes takes a deeper understanding.  Feel free to ask questions and share solutions in the forums.  That is what they are there for!


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« Last Edit: 07/13/10 at 01:24:47 by Admin »  


The Administrator.
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Reply #26 - 12/17/09 at 13:04:08

Example 23  
Simple Form example
 (MV Template with Linked Folder Values)
Folder data for ecco items can be filled in and/or viewed from a Form template.
The easiest way to fill in Form data is via the "View" mode,  with "Form Enter Mode" selected (found on the "Edit" menu when in 'View' mode,  or as a Control+F1 MV Pane Template option).
Winkey + K loads folder data from the active item,  Control + Winkey + ,  or  .  move up and down the ecco file loading folder data,  Winkey + Shift + K saves folder data from the form to ecco folder values (see also Ecco Data Links in the File menu),  and a special link can be added to any form for saving the filled in form data as a child item of the ecco item the form is attached to (see example/how to).
What's going on here  
Background images can be added to tables, RTF and Text boxes,  and to the entire view page.
     Right click on the RTF or Text box edge, or right click in any empty table cell to set the background image.
Alt + A  accesses the advanced formatting tools for instantly adding Text,  RTF boxes, pulldowns and checkboxes.  (Existing boxes can simpy be copied or control + dragged & dropped to duplicate them elsewhere).
Right clicking on any of the above allows adding a link to an ecco folder.
Fields linked to date folders can be filled in with shortcut expressions or conceptual and calculated date expressions, including from and to times  (eg., "Today + 45days", etc.).  Such expressions are converted to a fixed date/time value which is saved in the linked date folder.
Linked data can be helpful for 'pure' data entry or viewing via a form template. (Note: "<ItemText>" as a linked folder name will link to the ecco item text entry).  Linked data fields can be added to any viewpage (including clipped pages from the web, etc.) to 'push' or 'pull' data directly from the page's folder values in ecco.  Note: Form filling is best done in "View" mode.
Up to 250 named templates can be designated per ecco file,  and any viewpage can be loaded as an active template.   Shift + Alt + D  displays the 'active' template as the current view page,  Control + Alt + D displays the template as a view page unattached from any item. (See the View > Template menu for other options).
Templates can also be used with fields which are not linked to ecco folder values.  The filled in template form can be saved as an independent magicview page.    Where text fields are involved,  saving the entire form as a MV page provides a substantial memory savings for ecco internal pointers.   The disadvantage is that filters, sorts, and views based on folder values will not be available for the data,  nor will export/import of the individual folder values per item.
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« Last Edit: 04/18/10 at 19:02:12 by Admin »  


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Reply #27 - 12/20/09 at 17:14:50

Example 24  
2-Up and 3-Up Document Thumbnail Views
What's going on here  
You can select different options when viewing multiple documents in a single MV pane.  (Multiple MV panes can be open at the same time, viewing single or multiple documents in each).
From the View > multiView Borders menu you can select Full pane, 2-up and 3-up views.   Varying the width of the MV pane will vary the relative size of the document which is displayed.  
From the View > multiView Borders menu you can also select various border options,  having the border on top, as a footnote to the documents view,  as  a highlighted text, omitted, etc.
A multiView can also be saved as its own MV page to allow handling set groups of documents in a single view.  (multViewed documents can also be recalled as a group via the F5 history pane).  You can instantly zoom to any selected document with Alt + L.  (The multiView index features such as Alt + Home are also available).


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« Last Edit: 03/30/10 at 18:47:07 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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Show the link to this post Re: MagicView :: Gather Information and Take Notes
Reply #28 - 12/29/09 at 18:16:41

Example 25  
Live Directory Window
What's going on here  
MagicView can act as a live directory window linked to any item(s) in an outline.
Just drag & drop any directory folder from windows explorer into the MagicView "ItemText" box,  and save the viewpage.
The directory view is live,  essentially just as if you had opened the directory folder in window's explorer.  Files can be opened, copied, renamed, etc. etc.
Control + Right Click to select the view type,  in this example Thumbnails.    The appropriate thumbnail plugin for different file types (PDF, DjVu, etc.) must be installed to preview documents in thumbnail mode.    Thumbnails are displayed in default size as set in windows' explorer.
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Reply #29 - 01/16/10 at 16:26:17

Example 26  
Outline Capture
What's going on here  
You can capture all or part of any Ecco outilne as a MagicView page (select items to include from within Ecco then Winkey + Control + Shift + R  or Winkey + F12 > Replace Viewpage > as MV Outline)
As in ecco the outline is collapsible (From magicview "View" mode [F2 to toggle modes]).  
The captured outline can include basic outline numbering, and you can optionally limit the maximum item text size.
As with any other magicview page,  font, background color, sizing is all editable, and, you can send the page to your browser, export as an HTML, MHT, or EML,  print ,etc.
Capture of text formatting (such as bold, fonts, etc.) requires the freeware ecco 'slang extension'.
Allows easy sharing,  and archiving of outline text.    
An outline from one ecco file can also be saved as a MV page inside another ecco file.
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The Administrator.
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Reply #30 - 02/23/10 at 16:00:40

Example 27  
Quick Audio Note
What's going on here  
MagicView has a built-in audio recorder which makes adding quick audio notes a snap.
Winkey + F10  opens the record pane for the active viewpage.  If the viewpage already contains a MV audio note,  that note will be opened for editing/appending.  Audio can be inserted anywhere within an audio note.  
You can also instantly record from the Edit > Recording menu,  or  directly:  Control + F10  to begin recording instantly,  Shift + F10 to pause,  Control + Shift + F10 to save the recording  (see the MV help guide for complete list of editing and playback commands. For example click on "<<" and ">>"  or press Control + Alt F10 and Shift + Alt F10 for rewind/fast forward, etc.).
Audio notes are normally stored in the Ecco file's .web folder, and alternatively can be stored internally within ecco via the Shift + Alt + G (ground viewpage) function.
Quick audio notes are extremely useful for easily adding quick verbal notes within an outline structure and for adding quick verbal explanation for outline items.   For dictation,  recommended to use dedicated dictation/audio editing software.  Audio files from that software can still be added as viewpages and managed within an outline structure.
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« Last Edit: 04/19/10 at 16:55:00 by Admin »  


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Reply #31 - 05/09/10 at 17:26:25

Example 29  
Custom Form View
What's going on here  
MagicView templates can act as a 'Phonebook' form replacement in the phonebook and in regular notepad views.
Colors fonts sizes, fields, layout can be formatted as desired.   For those who use phonebook fields on larger monitors,  can be *very* helpful.   Values can be modified and saved.  In QuickView mode  with Data Link Navigation enabled,  the form is filled with the linked folder values of active item, and updates automatically.    
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« Last Edit: 05/15/10 at 18:19:55 by Admin »  


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Reply #32 - 05/15/10 at 18:21:18

Example 30  
Custom Form View II
What's going on here  
A MagicView form can be set up to link multiple RTF boxes to different text folders.  This way,  multiple 'mini' MV pages can be used for each item.
This can be extremely useful for tracking notes by different users for the same item.   This works well either with linked data fields to different ecco text folders,  or if there are extensive notes,  then a single MagicView page set up with multiple input areas for each user.
A similar approach can be used for critical notices and maintenance notes.   Depending on the importance/urgency of the note,  the note can be assigned a different area in the magicview page.
When multiple users edit an ecco file at the same time,  best approach is linked data folders, to prevent 'overwriting' between one user and another.   Where this is not an issue,  for best pointer allocation,  is more efficient to use one magicview page with multiple RTF text areas,  instead of linked data.
Also note that additional note folders can be used in addition to MV pages attached to items.   If a second MV window is used with a form that has fields linked to text folders,   the notes can be used independently of the MV page attached to any item.   In this way, for example,  documents can be linked to items in addition to notes about the document, etc.
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« Last Edit: 05/16/10 at 16:16:29 by Admin »  


The Administrator.
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Reply #33 - 09/20/10 at 16:05:18

Example 31  
Email to Ecco Task
What's going on here  
".EML" files and links can be dragged directly (from windows explorer or email programs which support .eml drag & drop) to the MagicView viewpane or the "DropBox".  In addition to Outlook, etc., many non-Microsoft programs such as TheBat! allow dragging emails.
When dropped into the viewpane (as shown in the example below),  the text and message index (From/To/Subject, etc.) will be appended to the active viewpage.  Thus, emails can be added to new, or existing MV pages.  
When dropped into the 'ItemText' box or 'DropBox' (hold down shift to localize the .eml file in the .web folder,  shift+alt to localize as standardized MV page [without attachments]  and control+shift to internalize the email as a standard MV page in the .eco file).  If attached in native .eml format,  the graphics, and formatting of the message are included and the .eml is treated as an 'object'.   (With such view pages, only one email can be attached, and  Alt+O will launch the default .eml email handler to reply to the message.)  
Once an email is added to an ecco item,  that item can be outlined, set for followup, etc., as any other ecco item.
Sections of the email can be selected (as with other viewpages) and via Control + Alt + C and instantly added as sub items of the active ecco item, or the item to which the viewpage is attached.  (Control + F1, Advanced Folder Options > Copy Child to Viewpage Chld).  Allows easily creating sub items with different action or subject aspects of emails.
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« Last Edit: 05/09/12 at 06:14:09 by Admin »  


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Reply #34 - 08/25/16 at 04:29:06

Key suggested settings (on Control-F1 menu) include:
Viewing Options:
    Multiview Borders [SELECT]
    Color Borders [SELECT]
    Navigation menus [SELECT]
    Tree based Phonebook [SELECT]
    Colorized horizontal lines [SELECT]
    Highlight on Copy to Child [SELECT]
    Display Audio File Names [SELECT]
    Manual Play [SELECT]
    Export to HTML [SELECT]
    Use Outline Numbering [SELECT]
MV Pain Options:
    Opaque window [SELECT]
    Internalize [SELECT]
    Drop Box [SELECT]
    Vertical Pane [SELECT]
    Broad Universal Click Range [SELECT]
Disk Options:
    Ground local files [SELECT]
    Fast unverified image grounding [SELECT]

Advanced Folder Options:
    Child Clip Prefix [SELECT]
    Copy to Child of Active Viewpage [SELECT]
    Contiguous Copy to Child [SELECT]
    Stabilized Memory [SELECT]
    Accept RTF [SELECT]
    Enable OnDisk folder [SELECT]
    Filter DropBoxed Filenames [SELECT]
    Fix clip citations [SELECT]
    Alternative QuickView connection [SELECT]
Optional expert mode initialization files (in Magicview.exe folder):
    em_defaultview.html - html (Override default/blank Page template)
    MVExportLength.ini - numeric (Override length of export line size with outline exports)
    MVURLFilter.ini - text (Override Regex filter to fix direct load URLs, e.g., Win+Shift+Ctrl+E downloads)
    MVSpecialFix.ini  - text (REGEX filter that can be used via search menu to remove raw HTML from text MV page.  Use via search > Special Fix.)
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« Last Edit: 11/04/17 at 19:05:38 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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