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EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..) (Popularity: 139043 )

I love Ecco!

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Reply #60 - 04/16/13 at 04:59:42

Out with the old and in with the new ?
Came to this thread to add some update info for MagicView, and suddenly,  4 years worth of the thread have vanished.  Server issue ?
Since the purpose of the thread was RSS Blog updates... maybe clearing out the old is a wake up call for new ?
So much has happened in the past 4 years (of missing thread..)   gomap abandoned attempt at new ecco,  slang has vastly advanced the extension, and MagicView has evolved past version 8 with more than 45,000 users.  AMAZING.
here are recent MV updates and some history (with undocumented features),  to fill in some of the missing thread:
v8.40B - Added feature: Email object insertion to folder allows REPLACING file name with Prefix. (End prefix with "*").  4/16/13.
8.38B - Object copies to dropbox allowed for folder objects; Allows inserting objects & object links at clone items. 4/8/2013.
8.35B - Improve object copies to dropbox folders- over length filename spliced at center, not at start; improve .eml clips (retention of sender info, etc. w/ microsoft formatted email. 3/10/13.
8.32B - Improve auto-assign folder interaction w/ latest slang extension versions. 3/1/13.
8.31B - Bugfix inner textbox html corrections. 2/20/13.
8.30B - Improved integration with latest slang versions. 2/12/13.
8.25B - Fix * prefix on multiple object copies of MV objects out of ecco into external directory. 2/4/13.
v8.23B - Improved citation correction for clips from public case databases. 1/20/13.
v8.21B - Update: improved integration to copy to dropbox directories; file naming options w/ copy of embedded & linked MV objects and allowing *text prefix of names on copy.1/5/13.  
8.20B - Update: Duplicate images, drag & drop files, emails, etc., no longer replace previously grounded file with same name.  Cost = more disk space taken for duplicate images from same sites.  Benefit = prior clips do not change when images later change & new clip is made with those images,  and,  each drag & drop will now add latest version of file/email, not replace previous. 12/5/12.
8.15B - Bugfix: previously viewed media objects no longer retained in background process. 11/28/12.
v8.14B - File > Favorites > Favorites Toggle menu itemcheck/unchecked based on state of active MV Page.  If multiple MV pages in combo view,  checked any page in set is in Favorites. Added Alt + T shortcut for Insert menu. 11/9/12.
v8.12B - Revised Insert & Formatting menu structure.  Format activated by Alt + A.   Insert > Objects menu (Alt + T) added to Edit menu.  11/4/12.
v8.04B - Update: WinKey + Control + Shift + R  (replace MV page with selected ecco items) updated for recent slang extension changes-- if slang 'copy with html javascript' is active,  that is used in MV page,  otherwise,  non-slang copy & outlining feature is used.  Drag-to-Dropbox folder now saved between sessions for each ecco file.   10/21/12.
v8.00B - Drop/Watch Folder saved between sessions for each ecco file; integration for pale moon browser; *undocumented feature* Holding shift key down while selecting "HTML Copy" (right click menu & Shift right click menu), will copy ENTIRE MV Page as HTML, instead of selected portion of page as HTML; Advanced Folder Options onfiguration option added to clip filenames in 8.3 DOS name format, speed improvements.  10/18/12.
v7.95B - Expanded internal link handling in clipped pages.  E.g., footnote linking. 9/20/12.
v7.90B - Added support for GreenBrowser, LunaScape Browser, and QupZilla Browser.  Improved support for Seamonkey.  9/14/12.
v7.88B - Added Config > Advanced Folder Options > Download via Explorer option.  Captures web pages via standard MS Internet Explorer reads in place of internal MV code.  9/2/12.
v7.85B - Added Auto-Backup of config settings & page history.  Settings & History saved every ten to fifteen minutes; URL to page improved for seamonkey users. 7/25/12.
v7.84B - Added Config > Advanced Folder Options > Fix clip citations.  Will correct to 'blue book' format citations clipped from various sources.  Because of unique use (jurisdiction and clip source), commercial registration can request upgrade for specific jurisdiction and citation source.  If practicable, with detailed information supplied by registrant, possible to customize for most clip sources and jurisdictional citation formats.  Mod: improved seamonkey integration. 7/9/12.
v7.81B - Mod: File > Export Group retains last export to folder (instead of reverting to .eco file folder); added option to strip scripts from Export (eg. prevent deframing page scripts, etc); Bugfix: remove extraneous coding fields from some export html pages, fix apparent hang on some group export dialog. 6/1/12.
v7.80B - Bugfix: eliminate hanging on come copy-to-children circumstances; SeaMonkey clips improved, including URL clips..  5/15/12.
v7.79B - Added Filter DropBoxed Filenames option (Advanced Folder Options) allows regex filter of file names inserted via dropbox.  Default filter is "s)^.*\}\s*|\.pdf*$|^.*\\\s*".  Can change filter by single line file (no return) in MV program directory named "MVFileTrim.ini".  Modified/Improved Control+F1 config. menu -- REQUIRES MANUAL CORRECTION OF SOME OPTIONS FROM PRIOR VERSIONS.  BugFix - Windows + Control + /  (and Phonebook or tree based quickview) now works correctly even in complex instances when used back and forth with multiple instances of ecco running at the same time). 4/24/12.
v7.77B - Mod: Control+Click on Dropbox (or shift or alt click) takes no action until watch folder explicitly set for active file (double click dropbox).  Each file linked to distinct watch folder. 3/22/12.
v7.76B - BugFix & Improving RawHTML view. 2/2/12.
v7.75B - New viewing option "Tree based Phonebook" in PBook mode, loads MV page of first item in tree that has MV page (from active item, searching parents upward) instead of direcly from phonebook parent.   Ie., children of MVPage will load that page if they have none of their own,  instead of just page of parent PB item.  Mod: Winkey + /  will be in PB mode if Phonebook based QuickView is active.  In such case, Control + Winkey + / will load from active item (not from PB).  Clipping dialog Configuration Options relocated to MV Pane Options panel (include simplified, universal right-left click, broad universal click, disable univ. clip, and disable all hotkeys). Note: Options changes disrupt some current settings and require review &  may require fixing of existing settings at first run after upgrade.  1/17/12.  
v7.70B - Improved handling of dropbox handling of EMDF and EML files.  Improved EML conversion to MV PAGE.  EML Alt+shift (external) and EML control+shift (internal) now convert to MV page,  shift  & normal drag does not. 1/10/12.
v7.65B - Moved menu items "Lift a MultiView Item" and "Load Linked Page" to "File > Navigation" menu from File > Load menu.  Added hard 'n-tilde' to auto-corrections in Edit > Find > Aberrant Glyphs glyph correction. Improved handling of e-mail import special characters. 12/27/11.
v7.62B - Improved seamonkey integration. 12/14/11.
v7.60 - Fix: Configuration > Advanced Folder Options > Always ground pasted Duplicates now works properly for sub items. 12/7/11.
v7.56 - Fix to support bugs in some slang extension versions that could freeze on load; Improved support for seamonkey. 11/30/11.
v7.55 - MV pane minimized on screen clip to new item. 11/23/11  
v7.54 - Dropbox watch directory now set per ecco file (with default of previously used directory if not set for any file). 11/14/11.
v7.52 - Mod: *undocumented feature: To reclaim memory on page clear, hold down both left & right control keys.  E.g., Control + Alt + D  with both left & right control keys.  Note: on some systems can cause MV instability that will require restarting MV.  Small bugfixes: Alt + Win + ?  direct linked object opening,  now works with previously problematic names. 11/6/11.
v7.51 - Improved e-mail drag. Large non-text blocks removed. 11/2/11.
v7.50 - Mod: Control + Alt + D (File > Clear page) now prompts to confirm only when page has changed.  Much less annoying!. 10/30/11.  
v7.49 - Copy to Item (Control + Alt + Shift C) no longer sets internal page 'Title' to new item name. Control + Alt + D no longer does memory compression, unless both control keys (left & right) are held down. 10/24/11.
v7.47 - Mod: By popular demand, Winkey + Left Shift + Alt + Control + E now reverted to old behavior-- replaces MV page on selected item & adds text version of clip as sub item.  10/10/11.
v7.45 - Mods: Shift Key replaces Winkey as modifier to save html to MVActivePage. Winkey + Control + Shift + E now saves sections page (without grounding); Winkey + Shift + Alt + E now saves child w/ text and sub-child links list in ecco; Winkey + Left Shift + Alt + Control + E now saves text only sub.  10/8/11.
v7.44 - Upgraded SeaMonkey integration. Winkey+F12 Menu updated w/ Selection's page to new item. 10/6/11.
v7.43 - Right Click "Item Text:" & Control + Alt + I, improved 'show active file name" (helpful with multiple open ecco sessions or files).  Support added for Winkey+F12 menu in SeaMonkey Browser. 10/2/11.  
v7.37 - Small bugfixes. Allow "]" in addition to "}" for number sequencing in clips from MV page to sub item. 9/18/11.
v7.36 - Added new feature *undocumented:  Holding the Winkey [updated in v7.45: to the Shift key] or Right mouse button down when selecting from the <F>ile menu  Export as Webpage exports to desktop filed named MVActivePage.html.  Winkey + Alt + Shift + Control S shortcut for same.  (For example, email program can have macro to attach the MVActivePage.html file,  allows quick sending of active page; other program /users can watch/display active page allows easy updating of current view; allows quick in-process backup of page in progress, etc.).  Bugfix: WatchFolder recursion fixed, linked file list reset when folder changes, any filed modified since link is added to top of list for linking. 7/26/11.
v7.33B - Bugfix: Rt. Click ecco menu MV Copy multiple linked objects copy fixed. Option added in MVCopy, *XXX as file name will append, instead of replacing, file name on copy. 7/21/11.
v7.32B - Per popular request, increased QuickView default timeout period by ten-fold. 7/11/11.
v7.31B - Alt-F3 Hilite index updated to eliminate short non-text hilite segments. 7/10/11.
v7.30B - Added new key features: (1) Dropbox enabled as folder watch box.  Double click dropbox to select watch folder.  Control + Click drop box to insert as object latest file in watch folder.  Each successive control + Click will insert next latest file.  When latest file is update, list resets. Alt + Click to move object to new folder, Shift + Control to internalize, Shift to save in .web folder. (2) MagicLinks page load added. Hotkey Winkey + Control + Alt + /  Grabs links in selected items to magic link items & loads the MV pages of those linked items.   A magic link to an item with a MV page works the same as adding the page as a mirror to the second item.  Multiple links can be grabbed as a multiview MV page. *(3) Undocumented expert feature to load Slang Column MagicLinks (Winkey + Alt + Control + . ).  Same as MagicLinks page load, but with slang columns structured as required for MagicLink Winkey + U cross reference function (see MagicLinks documentation).  Allows loading MV pages of items referenced in Slang linked columns.  Helpful it slang link column used to ID matter or project, as allows loading master page for any item marked for the matter/project. 7/9/11.
v7.27B - Hyperlinks activated for on-page links in clipped web pages.  Improved speed for hyperlinks, improved scope of hyperlinks in view mode.  View Mode hyperlink now resets horizontal scroll.  Hyperlinks for Word footnotes in View Mode (Alt+Click) activated.  Hyperlinks activated for Word footnotes and more webclips on drag & drop of texts to MV page and Winkey+Shift+C insertions into MV pages.  (Hyperlink = Alt + Click in Magic mode, Click or Alt-Click in View mode [depending on page source]).  7/3/11.
v7.22B - Color Background option added on right click for RTF, Text Boxes, and Columns.  Significantly improved  Ecco Data Links load speed.  Null option added to pulldown fields in reading data linked EM pulldowns.  Auto-expansion sizing improved on second monitor of angled multi-monitor dual desktop setups. 7/1/11.
v7.17B - Bugfix, ALT-F3 now also works in complex pages. 6/27/11.
v7.16B - Small bugfix, [F]ile > [E]cco Data Links > Merge from Active re-set to merge from active selection, not from viewpage's item. 6/16/11.
v7.15B - Small tweaks: Per requests, Alt-F4 replaces Alt+Shift+X to exit. Alt-F4 prompt on ext added to prevent closing when Alt-F3 hilight search intended.  Prefix text prompt allows "}X" shortcut to increase/decrease prefix count. Eg., "[100] " as prior prefix updated to [110] via prompt value of "}10" .  Control + Alt + F3 changed to "search" for Hilite text, Alt + F3 Jump to Hilite menu, and Shift + Alt + F3 next hilight.  6/9/11.
v7.14B - Added optional prompt for prefix text (Ctrl + F1 > MV Pane Options > Prompt Options > Child Clip Prefix) when clipping from MV Pane to child items.  Recode for major improvements in file system interface, eg., file/folder selection dialogue setup 1000x faster.  6/8/11.
v7.11B - Per popular request, Highlight & Text Color box selections are no longer cleared on MV program restart. 6/5/11.
v7.10B - "New Item from URL" now saves Office and media files (Flash, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, RealPlayer, MP3, AVI, Etc) from url (eg., http://www.sight.com/intro.ppt) to the ecco file's .web folder as linked object. 6/2/11.
v7.07B - MVClip (copy linked object's file names to clipboard) modified to standard list output.  For example, allows adding linked objects as attachments in TheBat! with 'mymacros' plugin via ||%_CB="%CLIPBOARD"%_CBL=%CountLines("%_CB")%For("1","%_CBL","XX","%%ATTACH=#%%G
etLine('%%_XX','%%_CB')#")%-||. 5/30/11.
v7.02B - Added expanded support for FireFox vers. 4.  Small bug fix. 5/25/11.
v7.00B - Alt + F3 ("Edit > Find" menu) addition to find hilighted sections & Control + Alt + F3 Hilight index.  Allows instantly pulling up a jump index of all MV highlighted sections on a note or clipped webpage. Nice.  Small update with search results display. 5/12/11.
v6.92B - fix for some later slangextensions with regex bug on new item pastes: drag to dropbox additions now trigger all item text based rules. 4/24/11.
v6.91B - Added: to View > Template: (1) Display Other - Choose from templates in file to display as active viewpage; (2) Blank - remove all templating, and blank viewpage to white. Also some small bugfix. 4/8/11.  
v6.84B - Added: Export selected item's pages (and objects), and Copy Selected (object) Links to File Menu & MV installer (external program) places right click and double clip options into ecco. 4/1/11.
v6.82B - Clipped pages added to history tape. 3/15/11.
v6.80B - Save last control+dropbox folder; Allow fuller folder choices on subsequent group exporting;  Ignore starting position for first search from newly loaded pages if search box open. 2/10/11.
v6.76B - fix mass grounding & resaving (was deactivated). 1/14/11.  
v6.75B - fix annoying ok to search dialog when continuing search on new MV page. 1/11/11.
v6.73B - expanded maximum clip text width to 120 (was 80). 12/26/10 .
v6.72B  - Main Menu optimizations.  File > Strip  moved to Edit > Find & Replace; Tab/BackTap to Edit > Insert; Audio Recording menu re-order; other minor.  12/24/10.
v6.70B - Control key option for drop box- copies file to any folder  & then adds as linked object in MVpage. NICE!!. 12/12/10.  
v6.69B -  Full browser support added for 'SlimBrowser browser'. 11/30/10.
6.68B - EML header now includes list of attachments included in original message, if any, upgrade registration for business use made easier. 11/27/10.
v6.66B - Drag text only EML to viewpage now includes extended headers as hidden private notes saved in view page.. 11/24/10.
v6.65B -  Winkey + Control + Shift G  web clip creates new web page as external disk file, not 'in ecco'.  11/18/10.
v6.64B - BugFix: Overly aggressive Compression was too aggressive in moving files to recycle bin on large item count eco files.
v6.63B - Improve EML drag & drop.  Retain most formatting.
v6.62B- Improved Global Grounding.  Eg., duplicate MV pages from one session of ecco to another now properly transfers externally stored pages from original to new .web folder without requiring manual grounding if 'always ground pasted duplicates' option set. Improved 'slow machine' file reconnection when duplicating between different ecco sessions on slow system.  
v6.61B - Add option Copy Child to Viewpage Child option.  Allows Control+Alt + C copy to child of viewpage instead of copy to active item (default if option not selected). NICE!
v6.60B - Add support for drag & drop EML files into MV pane (in addition to existing support for drag to itemText or dropbox.  Will pull key fields & html, or include full text eml.)  
v6.57B - Fix Multi-direct view with attached & linked files.  Now opens multiple files to external viewers if multiple selected & direct view activated.  Requires first MV page in selection be linked/attached file else opens all in browser view.
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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #61 - 05/24/13 at 06:15:41

Just to note update of MagicMerge, adding some depth to high-end internal Word merge features, improved instructions on how to use the advance merge features, and some small bug-fix.
All in all,  MagicMerge is a pretty cool tool.
May open board for sharing MagicMerge templates..
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #62 - 12/28/13 at 17:13:29

End of year update on EccoMV developments:
v8.50B - Added Memory Stability option Smiley. 12/09/13.
v8.48B - improved font size slider, scale 1-4 and with shift sale 1-7 at step 2. 11/13/13.
v8.47B - improve stability; improve email drag & drop. 10/20/13.
v8.45B - improved email drag & drop handling. 9/12/13.
v8.44B - updated new item from URL where url is .aspx pointing to a pdf. 8/1/13.
v8.42B - updated .web folder override; mass object drag & drop adds all items to same location even if other items manually selected while load in progress. 6-6-13
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #63 - 03/25/14 at 03:35:58

Latest MV updates:
v8.57B - Fix expanding quote and copr's bug. 03-20-2014.
v8.56B - Added integration for TIF objects. 02-20-2014 .
v8.54B - Complex HTML / EML disappearing letters bugfix. 01-24-2014.
v8.52B - Moving to new item while help displayed ignores help text in view; New helpfile revisions including more previously undocumented features.. 12-25-2013.
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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: EM RSS Blog (notices, updates, etc..)
Reply #64 - 02/22/17 at 06:53:26

Latest MV updates:  
v8.69B - Added URL filter for direct downloads to fix google scholar error. You can create regex filter in MVURLFilter.ini  to change fix auto-url load problems.  So, e.g., Win+Control+Shift E (or G) will download entire page and selected text becomes text of ecco item.    2/22/17.
v8.67B - Added shift on dropbox menu (View > Dropbox) to  to REBUILD dropbox if image corrupted 8/30/15.
v8.66B - Added 'New View Page' to right click tray icon functions. 8/5/15.
v8.65B - Right Click on Item Text label, brings up Advanced Data location options menu;  Shift right click to bring up active file name directly.
v8.64 - Update help; File Export as Webpage renamed File Export as HTML.  Shortcut for same does quicksave if right click button is also pressed.  Internal code fixes/mods. 4/26/2015.
8.63B - Fix grounding with on the fly switching between multiple ecco sessions and files.
v8.60b - Fixed nasty phonebook and tree based page load overwrite bug.  07/14/2014.
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