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HELP!!!!  Unable to complete command, low memory condition detected! (Popularity: 21042 )

I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post HELP!!!!  Unable to complete command, low memory condition detected!
11/20/07 at 13:59:50

Step 1: Look at the numbers (and any warning) given by the EM Memory
The EM Memory Reporter is FREEWARE, and includes on it's download
page a very complete tutorial and fact sheet on memory issues and how
to never have them again!
(find it on http://EccoTools.com )
Step 2: Use the EM Advanced Diagnosis toolkit to check your FOLDER COUNT for each folder.
If your folder count is too larger,  there are SIMPLE, non-Drastic solutions without pain or data loss!!
VERY MUCH SUGGEST TRY THE TWO SIMPLE STEPS ABOVE BEFORE ANY MORE 'RADICAL' SUGGESTIONS --> such as deleting folders, turning off auto- assignments, restructuring or 'recovering' your file, etc... in most cases, NONE of this is needed (although, certainly deleting a folder, etc. will 'solve' a full folder issue as will 'recover' which removes all the auto-assign rules, etc.)
AFTER THESE STEPS if there is actually no memory limits issue, most likely cause relates to the issue of the corrupt 'original' default.ect template likely used to build the file originally. In
such case, where other files work great, restructure with EM Advanced Diagnosis Toolkit, or File>Database>Recover are very likely solution pathways).
For anyone who hasn't yet done so... *very much* suggest you replace the default.ect file that came with ecco 4.01 with the FREE replacement found in the EM file sections of this forum!
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« Last Edit: 06/14/17 at 11:19:19 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: HELP!!!!  Unable to complete command, low memory condition detected!
Reply #1 - 05/14/08 at 08:20:37

Incredible but true... we now have definitive solutions to *ALL* low memory warnings Smiley.
EM Memory Reporter and EM Advanced Diagnostics Toolkit should RESOLVE **EVERY FILE BASED MEMORY ISSUE**  (both found on  the  www.EccoTools.com board).
and if there is anyone with a memory issue they don't solve, well,
please let me know!!
note: Ecco when running will sometimes 'use up' memory because it forgets sometimes to release pointers it creates (for example in turning on and off filters [which Slang extension btw, fixes])
so.. even on 100% healthy files... if too many 'memory complex' stuff  files are loaded/unloaded from the same ecco session,  etc. etc.,   you can get an 'out of memory' type error from ecco.  Smiley
BUT...  by shutting down ecco (sometimes need to end the ecco process in process manager),   and simply restarting the ecco program,
the 'error'  is 'cured'  and your file works great. Wink
I get often (and am happy to help) private emails about memory errors,  for example:
"I have recently experienced the same problem and have used the utility to aquire the following numbers: 18,133 Items*; 9,357 View Lines; 1,069 Pointers; (47,394 free).  It appears I am nowhere near the program limits, but I am unable to enter any new appointments.  Any suggestions to fix the problem would be greatly appreciated...***"
and the solution (NOW) is simple:
if EM Memory Reporter shows no Global memory problem...
see what the EM Advanced Diagnostics Toolkit (Freeware) shows.... (and yes, watchdog is great, but confusing with so many non-helpful numbers and critically missing the helpful number you actually need-- the actual amount of free memory in the file structure)
then test your file with the EM-ADT program.
The invesitgation behind & the development of the  EM-ADT was huge.
Hopefully the its release is "HelpWare" will be positive and supportive for our community.
This is a program *EVERYONE* who uses Ecco should have.  
(Maybe someone who is using it,  will share their view).
You can get it FREE  by just joining our efforts of mutual help and sharing.
or,  if someone is too busy,  or just doesn't like that sort of thing,  or is more comfortable as an 'active listener',  fair enough.   They are welcome to purchase the tool and help support the monthly costs of our server for the EM forums.
but,  in either case....
if you are having memory issues (and actually, even if you're are not),
test the file with the EM Memory reporter,
if you show more than 5,000 units of free memory,
test the file with the EM-ADT.
 so... from now on...
here's to our happy & secure eccoing!! Smiley
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The Administrator.
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