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HIdeous Python DDE problems (Popularity: 18902 )

I love Ecco!

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Show the link to this post HIdeous Python DDE problems
11/11/07 at 00:43:05

note: This original thread was started by Andrew ("abc").
abc wrote Quote:
I have a couple of python scripts for reading a large Evernote XML file and pasting into an Ecco outline.  

the trouble is that a great many characters are being dropped when I try this. This has to be a flaw either in python or in ecco -- the inserted items are all truncated at the same place on successive runs, but this place is different for every item, and doesn't correspond to any particular character in the original string, nor to any particular character position. It doesn't correspond, in fact, to anything I can find.

The DDE script is too long to fit into one of these messages. So I am uploading it as a text file.

Here is my main script, smaller tha the dde class, obviously

#! /usr/env/python
# acb script to extract plain text and tags from evernote
# and subsequently move it into an ecco file
# a cheap hack 23/8/07
import sys, unicodedata,re,time
sys.path.append('D:/andrew/python') # to bring in classeccodde
import classeccodde
from elementtree import ElementTree as ET
# notes is now a list of all the notes in the files. Within each note there are plain text contents, and tags.
# some of these will be encoded images , which I would like to match and throw away
# a string of at least 50 characters consisting entirely of spaces, upper case letters, and numbers

# the next trick is to extract them.

def cleancrap(enstring):
        tmpstring=enstring.replace(u'\u2013',"--") # OOO uses en dashes (2013) not word's em dashes (2014)
        enstring=tmpstring.replace(u'\u2026','...') # ellipsis (...)
        tmpstring=enstring.replace(u'\u2014',"--") # OOO uses en dashes (2013) not word's em dashes (2014)
        # two spaces become a carriage return
        # enstring=tmpstring.replace('  ','\n')
        # and tabs become spaces, though a really elaborate routine would make them into sub-items
        # this is now dealt with in tabtooutline in classeccodde
        return tmpstring
    except UnicodeDecodeError, ee:
        print ee
        dudchar=re.compile('byte (....)',)
        if dfound:
            print 'Cleancrap Error: Dudchar was ',unicodedata.name(unichr_(int(dfound.group(1),16)))
for note in notes:
    if note.get('name'):
    # register and throw away the images.
   # print "Processing ",title.encode('latin-1','xmlcharrefreplace')
    if image.match(rawplaintext):
        print 'discarding suspected image', title.encode('latin-1','xmlcharrefreplace')

    except UnicodeDecodeError, ee:
        print ee
        dudchar=re.compile('byte ([^ ]+)',)
        print 'Error cleancrapping utext: dudchar was\n ',unicodedata.name(unichr_(int(dfound.group(1),16)))
    ENtags=note.find('.//NOTECATEGORIES') # a list
    EccoTagIDs=[] # another list, wherein are stored the IDs of all the checkmark folders this should belong to
        for tag in ENtags:
            if tagname and tagname != 'Done':
        if title:
            if NewID:
                if e.areConsistent(NewID,utext.encode('latin-1','xmlcharrefreplace')):
                    print '%s OK: %s chars copied' %(utext.encode('latin-1','xmlcharrefreplace')[:30],len(utext.encode('latin-1','xmlcharrefreplace')))
                e.setNoteCreationTime(NewID, Eccodate)
            e.setNoteCreationTime(NewID, Eccodate)
    except UnicodeEncodeError, ee:
        print ee
        dudchar=re.compile('character ....([\dabcdef]+)',)
        print 'Error in mainloop: dudchars was\n ',unicodedata.name(unichr_(int(dfound.group(1),16)))
        print ('Some Error occured with %s: continuing' %(utext.decode('latin-1')))


skimmed code,  
1. likely u have it,  but where (?)... convert text to CSV format  
2. also, upload the included files... ie.  especially the DDE....  
abc replies Quote:
I don't understand the first point. All of the actual DDE code is in the class I uploaded earlier, which is to large to fit into a message, and so was uploaded as a file here  

I am not sure how to link to it from bbcode. Does http://www.eccomagic.com/forum/Attachments/classeccodde_py.txt work? (apparently, yes). It is straight python code, though I had to rename it as a text file to upload it.  


ecco needs text in CSV format,  key being  
1) you enclose the text of the item in quotes,  
2) you have no single quotes in the item  (convert them to  two apostrophies ''  or double quotes  "" )  
3) and using commas to seperate fields (of course)  in-line.
and abc replies Quote:
Ah. I see: you want the python libraries. I will see if I can't attach them here, then. I promise you that the calls I use do work normally, and are what is recommended in the (feeble) python documentation in the DDE module. the problem is that I get characters dropped, not that I can't send anything over ...

Thank you once more for taking the trouble to look at this. but if the flaw is in the python libraries, I don't know what we can do. POling around, it turns ot I don't have the source code for them -- only the demo scripts. The official python client demo is  

# 'Request' example added jjk  11/20/98

import win32ui
import dde

server = dde.CreateServer()

conversation = dde.CreateConversation(server)

conversation.ConnectTo("RunAny", "RunAnyCommand")

conversation.ConnectTo("RunAny", "ComputeStringLength")
s = 'abcdefghi'
sl = conversation.Request(s)
print 'length of "%s" is %s'%(s,sl)


which is not a whole lot of help. But, as I said, the script normally works

1. where is your CSV formatting routine ?  
ddestring=('%s,"%s",%s,%s') %('CreateItem', Text, FolderID,1) 

isn't doing the job for you...  
"Text"  works great,  but what happens with:  He said "Hi! Bob!!!"  
you get  "He Said" Hi! Bob!!!""  which,  well,   won't work!!!
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« Last Edit: 11/11/07 at 10:47:06 by Admin »  

The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: HIdeous Python DDE problems
Reply #1 - 11/11/07 at 07:55:58

you need to convert:  He said "Hi!"  to either   He said ''Hi!''  (used 4 apostraphies)  or  He said ""Hi!""  used 4 quotes.  
this seems a likely place for problem.  
ddestring=('%s,"%s"') %('GetFoldersByName',Foldername)
	  ddestring=('%s,%s') %('GetFolderType',FolderID) 


you don't need an EXEC and then REQUEST... you can just directly use a request!!!  

fix the CSV and report back ?  
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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: HIdeous Python DDE problems
Reply #2 - 11/11/07 at 08:52:48
abc replies   Quote:
OK. I'm bewildered. I distinctly remember typing in a reply to this, which seems to have vanished.

First, the CSV routines. I don't need them. Python handles all that. It is very smart with strings, and will cheerfully preserve quotes if they are within a string delimited by a different sort of quote -- including, for real emergencies, triple quotes.  

I can, in Python quite safely pass a string like this
''' (triple quote) "Look out!" cried Bart. "What did you say?" muttered Cletus. "I said, 'look out!' you moron!" shouted Bob. But it was too late. (triple quote)'''

Besides, the places where the strings are truncated are random. It doesn't happen at any particular character. In fact it usually happens in the middle of a run of spaces.

I will change and truncate the DDE resquest lines as you suggested. I think I did it that way in case of very long folder names, which DDE wouldn't handle. But I don't havbe any that long ...

and then adds Quote:
OK. I spoke too soon. I rewrote the routines to show where they were breaking, and they almost all, it seemed broke at commas.

So I tried a cheap version of admin's hack (changing all double quotes to single ones, FWIW) and almost everythingwent through every smoothly!

The exceptions were some really long entries -- they all got truncated at 32488 characters. That must be a Windows limitation, mentioned, I think, in the Ecco API file. I can break them and enter the second half as subentries. But I suspect thay wre in any case encoded image files, which I don't want transferred. I will look at that.

Thank you a million times for your suggestions.

1. ecco won't handle more than 32k via DDE single call (usually).    
2. you can convert image files to clipboard clip and inject it directly (via dde clipboard to OLE) into ecco file.  
and ...
2 short notes:  
1. Just FYFI Python has libraries ready to use to deal with the images.    
2. If you do have long folder names,  your EXEC injection into ecco is the right approach...  was just trying to point out that,  (obviously),  can directly Request....  [and sometimes is better to do so].  
ps: hope you'll post w/ instructions etc.  when completed,   your very helpful and useful program!  
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