first step, to describe in ecco terms what data you want from where
to turn into the created folder value... ie:
do you have a "Project" folder that contains the project name ?
will it be in the item itself (where you want to include the folder
value) or in a parent ? Etc.
--- In, "albertschepers" <as@...> wrote:
> I have a project check mark folder [Engineering Project] that is
> checked to indicate that the project is an Engineering Project.
so one condition will be "[Engineering Project]" which means the
[Engineering Project] folder has some value... also can do it
as "[Engineering Project] == 1" whish is about the same thing... > The Item Text
> in the note pad Engineering Project List, entered in the form, is
> project number which is a five digit number, currently 07XXX where
> the 07 represents the year and the XXX the project number.
obviously, if you change the format of your code, you'll need to
update the 'code watcher' !
a simple way to catch that.. assuming XXX is a NUMBER (different
match rule for text..)
\b\d\d(\d\d\d)\b which means a border, two numbers (decimil), followed by 3 numbers,
followed by a border.
a border can be a space, an end of line, etc...
what is in the parens is what is captured... > I use the [Net Location] folder to contain the directory location
> the server which is H:\2007\XXX. Currently I complete the net
> location by hand but as I have several persons assigning projects
> would be nice to be able to have the [Net Location] filled in
> automatically.
so this is where we put the rule... in the [Net Location] folder... >
> Perhaps I should back up just a little,
always make backups!!!!!! >the project file is contained
> in a Master ECCO file that is shared amongst the office: at least
> persons. There are four persons that have access to add
> to the Master File, this has caused some problems as we do add
> four projects per day (last year there were over 900 projects
> added in both engineering and instpection); this file is used
> extensively to control the work flow in the office.
it would help to upload a sample file (with 'bogus' data, but in
full format that you use..) > This added
> feature will make it easier for all persons accessing the ECCO file
> to locate projects and then open the appropriate directory (project
> folder).
now.. if we
look at the "" that comes with the RAR
package, we see a rule for the [Net Location] folder: ++:I!-:"http://"+imatch(ITT,'(www\..*\.
(com|net|edu))'):ITT~~='www\..*\.(com|net|edu)' let's see if we can modify it...
++: this is the start of every rule...
I!-: this is the Trigger setting --> Update on item text change,
and remove the autoset value if match is no longer matching.
"http://"+imatch(ITT,'(www\..*\.(com|net|edu))'): This is the value
being filled in when the rule condition is met. we don't need the "http.." part... but we can use the imatch part..
i is for ignore case... here are bumbers so we can use regular
ITT means the ITEM TEXT <- that is what we test the match against.. ,' .... ' <- that is our regular expression matching term... what
is in parens is the value returned (if any).
match(ITT,'\b\d\d(\d\d\d)\b') is the value we want to put in the
folder ITT~~='www\..*\.(com|net|edu)' is the condition currently tested...
is the Item text matching the regular expression 'www\..*\.
we want something else as our condition,
we want
[Engineering Project] <-- ie. this folder has value.. ie. IT IS
CHECKED. and thus all together::
++:I!-:"H:\2007\" + match(ITT,'\b07(\d\d\d)\b'):[Engineering Project] as the rule for your directory (text) folder ie. [Net Location]
ps there are several OTHER ways to do this...
ITT~~="\b(\d\d)(\d\d\d)\b" as the rule (or a rule) CONDITION, than
the value of the rule can use "{1}" and "{2}" as values.. being the
first paren contents, and the second paren contents, respectively... you can also combine matches, for example::
++:I!-:"H:\20" + match(ITT,'\b(\d\d)\d\d\d\b') + "\" + match
(ITT,'\b\d\d(\d\d\d)\b'):[Engineering Project] which for the next 93 years will make the folder H:\20XX\YYY (notice
what is in parens in the match).
you can also make the "H" variable...
by using the "iff(cond, true_value, false_value) " statement (which
can be nested.. ie "iff(cond, iff(cond, true_value, false_value) ,
eg. in place of ++:I!-:"H:\20"
you would have ++:I!-: iff(condition, "H","I") + ":\20"