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Visual Basic example Code for Ecco DDE API (part1) (Popularity: 11194 )

I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Visual Basic example Code for Ecco DDE API (part1)
05/01/07 at 03:18:38
Option Explicit
Global Const TOPIC_NAME = "Ecco|Ecco"
    'Link Mode constants
Global Const DDE_MODE_NONE = 0
Global Const DDE_MODE_MANUAL = 2
Global Const DDE_MODE_NOTIFY = 3
    'getFolderItems constants
Global Const DDE_ST_ITEMASCENDING = "ia"
Global Const DDE_ST_DEFAULT = ""
Global Const DDE_CR_FLDEQUALS = "EQ"
Global Const DDE_CR_GREATER = "GR"
Global Const DDE_CR_LESS = "LT"
Global Const DDE_CR_LESSEQUAL = "LE"
Global Const DDE_CR_NOTEQUAL = "NE"
Global Const DDE_CR_NOCRITERIA = ""
    'pasteOleItem constants
Global Const DDE_FL_LINK = 1
Global Const DDE_FL_OBJECT = 2
    'ecco folder types
Global Const DDE_FLDR_ALL = 0
Global Const DDE_FLDR_DATE = 2
Global Const DDE_FLDR_NUMBER = 3
Global Const DDE_FLDR_TEXT = 4
    'ecco item types
Global Const DDE_ITEM_TEXT = 1
Global Const DDE_ITEM_OLELINK = 2
Sub centerForm (x As Form)
    screen.MousePointer = 11
    x.Top = (screen.Height * .85) / 2 - x.Height / 2
    x.Left = screen.Width / 2 - x.Width / 2
    screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
Sub centerformLow (x As Form)
    screen.MousePointer = 11
    x.Top = (screen.Height * .95) - x.Height
    x.Left = screen.Width / 2 - x.Width / 2
    screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
Sub changeFile (sessionID As Long)
    Dim sCommand As String
    DDEPoke "ChangeFile", Format$(sessionID)
End Sub
Sub closeFile ()
    DDEPoke "CloseFile", ""
End Sub
Sub copyOleItem (itemID As Long)
    Dim sCommand As String
    DDEPoke "CopyOleItem", Format$(itemID)
End Sub
Function countItems (items As String) As Integer
    Dim tempList As String
    Dim found As Integer
    Dim ct As Integer
    tempList = items
    found = 1
    ct = 1
    While found <> 0
     found = InStr(tempList, ",")
     If found <> 0 Then
         ct = ct + 1
         tempList = Mid$(tempList, found + 1)
     End If
    countItems = ct
End Function
Function createFolder (folderType As Integer, folderName As String) As Long
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = Trim$(Str$(folderType)) + "," + folderName
    srVal = DDERequest("CreateFolder", sCommand)
    createFolder = Val(stripQuotes(srVal))
End Function
Function CreateItem (sText As String, fldID As Long, sValue As String) As Long
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = sText
    If fldID <> 0 Then
     sCommand = sCommand + "," + Format$(fldID)
     sCommand = sCommand + "," + sValue
    End If
    srVal = DDERequest("CreateItem", sCommand)
    CreateItem = Val(stripQuotes(srVal))
End Function
Sub DDEPoke (szCommand As String, szData As String)
    screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkTopic = TOPIC_NAME
    screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkItem = szCommand
    screen.ActiveForm.DDE.Text = szData
    screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_MANUAL
    screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_NONE
End Sub
Function DDERequest (szCommand As String, szData As String) As String
    Dim sTemp As String
    On Error Resume Next
    If szData = "" Then
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkTopic = TOPIC_NAME
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_MANUAL
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkItem = szCommand
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.Text = ""
     sTemp = screen.ActiveForm.DDE.Text
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_NONE
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkTopic = TOPIC_NAME
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_MANUAL
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkItem = szCommand
     szData = szCommand + "," + szData
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkExecute szData
     'screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_NONE
     'screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkTopic = TOPIC_NAME
     'screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_MANUAL
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkItem = "LastResult"
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.Text = ""
     sTemp = screen.ActiveForm.DDE.Text
     screen.ActiveForm.DDE.LinkMode = DDE_MODE_NONE
    End If
    DDERequest = sTemp
End Function
Function eccoIsRunning () As Integer
    Dim sTemp As String
    sTemp = DDERequest("GetVersion", "")
    If sTemp = "_DDE_ERROR_" Then
     eccoIsRunning = False
     eccoIsRunning = True
    End If
End Function
Function getCSVItem (ByVal csv As String, ByVal item As Integer) As String
    Dim comma As Integer
    While item > 1
     comma = InStr(csv, ",")
     If comma = 0 Then
         csv = ""
         csv = Mid$(csv, comma + 1)
     End If
     item = item - 1
    comma = InStr(csv, ",")
    If comma > 0 Then
     csv = Left$(csv, comma - 1)
    End If
    getCSVItem = csv
End Function
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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: Visual Basic example Code for Ecco DDE API (2)
Reply #1 - 05/01/07 at 03:21:07

Function getEccoVers () As String
    Dim temp As String
    Dim srVal As String
    srVal = DDERequest("GetVersion", "")
    temp = getCSVItem(srVal, 1) + "."
    temp = temp + getCSVItem(srVal, 2) + "."
    temp = temp + getCSVItem(srVal, 3)
    getEccoVers = temp
End Function
Function getFolderItems (fldID As Long, sort As String, crtra As String, crVal As String) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
     ' Build the command string
    sCommand = Format$(fldID)
    If sort <> DDE_ST_DEFAULT Then
     sCommand = sCommand + "," + sort
    End If
    If crtra <> DDE_CR_NOCRITERIA Then
     sCommand = sCommand + "," + crtra + "," + Chr$(34) + crVal + Chr$(34)
    End If
     ' Send the DDE Request
    srVal = DDERequest("GetFolderItems", sCommand)
    getFolderItems = srVal
End Function
Function getFolderName (folderID As Long) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetFolderName," + Format$(folderID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getFolderName = stripQuotes(srVal)
End Function
Function getFoldersByName (folderName As String) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = folderName
    srVal = DDERequest("GetFoldersByName", sCommand)
    getFoldersByName = srVal
End Function
Function getFoldersByType (folderType As Integer)
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetFoldersByType," + Format$(folderType)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getFoldersByType = srVal
End Function
Function getFolderType (folderID As Long) As Integer
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetFolderType," + Format$(folderID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getFolderType = Val(stripQuotes(srVal))
End Function
Function getFolderValues (itemID As Long, folderID As Long) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetFolderValues," + Format$(itemID)
    sCommand = sCommand + Chr$(13) + Format$(folderID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getFolderValues = srVal
End Function
Function getItemFolders (itemID As Long) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetItemFolders," + Format$(itemID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getItemFolders = srVal
End Function
Function getItemParents (itemID As Long) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetItemParents," + Format$(itemID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getItemParents = srVal
End Function
Function getItemSubs (depth%, itemID&) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetItemSubs," + Format$(depth)
    sCommand = sCommand + "," + Format$(itemID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getItemSubs = srVal
End Function
Function getItemText (itemID As Long) As String
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetItemText," + Format$(itemID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getItemText = srVal
End Function
Function getItemType (itemID As Long) As Integer
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetItemType," + Format$(itemID)
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    getItemType = Val(stripQuotes(srVal))
End Function
Function getSelection () As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "GetSelection"
    getSelection = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
End Function
Sub insertItem (itemID As Long, flags As String, itemList As String)
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = Format$(itemID) + "," + flags + "," + itemList
    DDEPoke "InsertItem", sCommand
End Sub
Function newEccoFile () As Long
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "NewFile"
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    newEccoFile = Val(srVal)
End Function
Function openEccoFile (sPath As String) As Long
    Dim srVal As String
    srVal = DDERequest("OpenFile", sPath)
    openEccoFile = Val(srVal)
End Function
Function pasteOleItem (flags As Integer, fldID As Long, sValue As String) As Long
    Dim srVal As String
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = "PasteOleItem," + Format$(flags)
    If fldID <> 0 Then
     sCommand = sCommand + "," + Format$(fldID)
     sCommand = sCommand + "," + sValue
    End If
    srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "")
    pasteOleItem = Val(stripQuotes(srVal))
End Function
Sub removeItems (itemID&)
    Dim sCommand As String
    DDEPoke "RemoveItem", Format$(itemID)
End Sub
Sub saveFile (Path As String)
    Dim sCommand As String
    DDEPoke "SaveFile", Path
End Sub
Sub setFolderName (folderID As Long, sText As String)
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = Format$(folderID) + "," + sText
    DDEPoke "setFolderName", sCommand
End Sub
Sub setFolderValues (itemID As Long, fldID As Long, fldValue As String)
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = Format$(itemID) + Chr$(13)
    sCommand = sCommand + Format$(fldID) + Chr$(13)
    sCommand = sCommand + fldValue
    DDEPoke "SetFolderValues", sCommand
End Sub
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The Administrator.
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I love Ecco!

Posts: 134
Show the link to this post Re: Visual Basic example Code for Ecco DDE API (3)
Reply #2 - 05/01/07 at 03:22:10

Sub setItemText (itemID As Long, sText As String)
    Dim sCommand As String
    sCommand = Format$(itemID) + "," + sText
    DDEPoke "SetItemText", sCommand
End Sub
Function stripQuotes (item As String) As String
    Dim QUOTE As String
    Dim temp As String
    Dim x As Integer
    QUOTE = Chr$(34)
     'remove surrounding quotes
    If Left$(item, 1) = QUOTE Then item = Right$(item, Len(item) - 1)
    If Right$(item, 1) = QUOTE Then item = Left$(item, Len(item) - 1)
     'change double quotes to single quotes
    x = InStr(item, QUOTE + QUOTE)
    While x
     temp = item
     item = Left$(temp, x)
     If x + 2 < Len(temp) Then
         item = item + Mid$(temp, x + 2)
     End If
     x = InStr(item, QUOTE + QUOTE)
    stripQuotes = item
End Function
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