Function getEccoVers () As String Dim temp As String Dim srVal As String srVal = DDERequest("GetVersion", "") temp = getCSVItem(srVal, 1) + "." temp = temp + getCSVItem(srVal, 2) + "." temp = temp + getCSVItem(srVal, 3) getEccoVers = temp End Function Function getFolderItems (fldID As Long, sort As String, crtra As String, crVal As String) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String '-------------------------- ' Build the command string ' sCommand = Format$(fldID) If sort <> DDE_ST_DEFAULT Then sCommand = sCommand + "," + sort End If If crtra <> DDE_CR_NOCRITERIA Then sCommand = sCommand + "," + crtra + "," + Chr$(34) + crVal + Chr$(34) End If '------------------------- ' Send the DDE Request ' srVal = DDERequest("GetFolderItems", sCommand) getFolderItems = srVal End Function Function getFolderName (folderID As Long) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetFolderName," + Format$(folderID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getFolderName = stripQuotes(srVal) End Function Function getFoldersByName (folderName As String) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = folderName srVal = DDERequest("GetFoldersByName", sCommand) getFoldersByName = srVal End Function Function getFoldersByType (folderType As Integer) Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetFoldersByType," + Format$(folderType) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getFoldersByType = srVal End Function Function getFolderType (folderID As Long) As Integer Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetFolderType," + Format$(folderID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getFolderType = Val(stripQuotes(srVal)) End Function Function getFolderValues (itemID As Long, folderID As Long) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetFolderValues," + Format$(itemID) sCommand = sCommand + Chr$(13) + Format$(folderID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getFolderValues = srVal End Function Function getItemFolders (itemID As Long) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetItemFolders," + Format$(itemID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getItemFolders = srVal End Function Function getItemParents (itemID As Long) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetItemParents," + Format$(itemID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getItemParents = srVal End Function Function getItemSubs (depth%, itemID&) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetItemSubs," + Format$(depth) sCommand = sCommand + "," + Format$(itemID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getItemSubs = srVal End Function Function getItemText (itemID As Long) As String Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetItemText," + Format$(itemID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getItemText = srVal End Function Function getItemType (itemID As Long) As Integer Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetItemType," + Format$(itemID) srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") getItemType = Val(stripQuotes(srVal)) End Function Function getSelection () As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "GetSelection" getSelection = DDERequest(sCommand, "") End Function Sub insertItem (itemID As Long, flags As String, itemList As String) Dim sCommand As String sCommand = Format$(itemID) + "," + flags + "," + itemList DDEPoke "InsertItem", sCommand End Sub Function newEccoFile () As Long Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "NewFile" srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") newEccoFile = Val(srVal) End Function Function openEccoFile (sPath As String) As Long Dim srVal As String srVal = DDERequest("OpenFile", sPath) openEccoFile = Val(srVal) End Function Function pasteOleItem (flags As Integer, fldID As Long, sValue As String) As Long Dim srVal As String Dim sCommand As String sCommand = "PasteOleItem," + Format$(flags) If fldID <> 0 Then sCommand = sCommand + "," + Format$(fldID) sCommand = sCommand + "," + sValue End If srVal = DDERequest(sCommand, "") pasteOleItem = Val(stripQuotes(srVal)) End Function Sub removeItems (itemID&) Dim sCommand As String DDEPoke "RemoveItem", Format$(itemID) End Sub Sub saveFile (Path As String) Dim sCommand As String DDEPoke "SaveFile", Path End Sub Sub setFolderName (folderID As Long, sText As String) Dim sCommand As String sCommand = Format$(folderID) + "," + sText DDEPoke "setFolderName", sCommand End Sub Sub setFolderValues (itemID As Long, fldID As Long, fldValue As String) Dim sCommand As String sCommand = Format$(itemID) + Chr$(13) sCommand = sCommand + Format$(fldID) + Chr$(13) sCommand = sCommand + fldValue DDEPoke "SetFolderValues", sCommand End Sub