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the SLANG EXTENSION and Guest Programming >> Bug Reports for Slangmgh >> Auto-assign DateStamp problem - fails in PhoneBook when using eccoext

Message started by Alec_Burgess on 12/03/10 at 03:56:03

Title: Auto-assign DateStamp problem - fails in PhoneBook when using eccoext
Post by Alec_Burgess on 12/03/10 at 03:56:03

Copy of my original message with this subject in yahoo:ecco_pro (confirmed by JS)
For years (pre-dating eccoext) I've used a custom form for data entry in PhoneBook of one of my eco files.
I had manually created a date-folder DateStamp and given it an auto-assign rule of "*" and included that field in the custom form.

Can anyone confirm/deny/explain/suggest fix for following behavior:

Normal behavior when *not* using eccoext.exe: (confirmed by opening file w/o use of eccoext)
When I added an item to the PhoneBook:
- by clicking anywhere on a blank line which raises the PhoneBook form
- I enter the name and possibly some other fields then click [Add]
- this displays the new item in the Form pane to the right.
- at this point the DateStamp has not been assigned.
- as soon as I click in another item then click back to the new item (or add an SLI by using Ctrl+R)  the DateStamp field shows with today's date.

Behavior using eccoext.exe:
At some point (I think well after I started using ecco-ext but no idea which version) DateStamp stopped being auto-assigned.
If instead of using the PhoneBook (and form) to create the item the DateStamp *does* get assigned as expected - click to another item and the new item now shows today's date in the DateStamp column.

Possibly relevant:
eccoext version:
These fields set in eccoext.ini:
EnableAutoAssignRule = 1
DisableApplyRuleDialog = 1 (which I think corresponds to systray-Quick Extension Option - Enable Traditional Rule(?))

Just for completeness, I temporarily replaced the "*" rule by:

   ++:+:now:ITT ~= "." /*Fill in the date and time
   only when item actually has/is assigned  any text

which I use in other files to load date-time in DateStamp folder.

Behavior is the same: auto-assign takes place in "normal" notebook but not when item created in the Phonebook.

Regards ... Alec   (buralex@gmail & WinLiveMess - alec.m.burgess@skype)

Title: Re: Auto-assign DateStamp problem - fails in PhoneBook when using eccoext
Post by JohnSmith on 01/14/11 at 13:01:11

fixed in v4.5.6.5

Title: Re: Auto-assign DateStamp problem - fails in PhoneBook when using eccoext
Post by Alec_Burgess on 01/18/11 at 21:01:04

JohnSmith wrote:
fixed in v4.5.6.5

Confirmed - thx for posting John.
I'd been holding off on installing since it was posted 2010-12-21 because of yahoo-group reports about possible corruption (even though based on the descriptions it didn't look like anything that would likely impact my own usage).

I usually hold off for about a week just in case problems are discovered prompting a flurry of new versions from Slang  ;)

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