The eccoMAGIC Forums
the SLANG EXTENSION and Guest Programming >> Bug Reports for Slangmgh >> LUA functions with incorrect argument may unload Ecco(Ext)

Message started by JohnSmith on 08/26/08 at 12:08:49

Title: LUA functions with incorrect argument may unload Ecco(Ext)
Post by JohnSmith on 08/26/08 at 12:08:49

Running LUA function set_item_text with incorrect argument, i.e. set_item_text(-1,'text') unload EccoExt (Ecco just disappears). I checked it in Exp Evaluator only.

EccoExt on XP

Title: Re: LUA functions with incorrect argument may unload Ecco(Ext)
Post by JohnSmith on 11/19/09 at 07:01:40

bug doesn't exist any more in v4.0.0.5

Title: Re: LUA functions with incorrect argument may unload Ecco(Ext)
Post by JohnSmith on 11/19/09 at 09:13:56

Opps, the bug still exists (in previous try I forget to switch into LUA mode)

Title: Re: LUA functions with incorrect argument may unload Ecco(Ext)
Post by slangmgh on 12/08/09 at 19:53:34

try v4.0.0.6!

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