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Ecco Tutorials, Tips and How-to Guides >> How do I ..... >> make full use of the LAUNCHER

Message started by dm on 01/02/16 at 12:39:17

Title: make full use of the LAUNCHER
Post by dm on 01/02/16 at 12:39:17

is there any info on using the launcher (TOOLS/LAUNCH)? how do you pass parameters, for instance item text, item and sub items, item value etc? How to pass constants, e.g. a fixed email address or a header string? Are there any flags to control executions?



Title: Re: make full use of the LAUNCHER
Post by Admin on 01/19/16 at 07:46:09

There is instructions somewhere...  in ecco original instructions maybe ?

is very limited in what you can pass...   ecco sends only item number, folder info you have selected  and command you place in rule.

if relevant,  see

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