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Message started by MichaelM on 09/13/09 at 17:22:28

Title: Parsing, Math Function Using LUA
Post by MichaelM on 09/13/09 at 17:22:28

Hi, I am an extreme newbie at using LUA with eccoext. Could some one please provide me with the LUA rule code I would need to:

1) select the final 4 characters of an item in a particular folder
2) convert those 4 characters into a number, e.g., from "1234" to 1234
3) perform a mod function on that number, e.g., for 13/4 the mod or remainder would be 1
4) place the result in a particular folder

As simple as this coding exercise must be for an experienced eccoext/LUAer, it would prove very useful to us beginners.

Thank you very much,

Title: Re: Parsing, Math Function Using LUA
Post by Admin on 09/17/09 at 16:20:45

have you looked at any LUA programming guides ?

Title: Re: Parsing, Math Function Using LUA
Post by MichaelM on 09/18/09 at 00:14:25

I am currently involved in a large project and do not have time to learn a new programming language from scratch. I'm not asking for a massive amount of free programming--just a tiny bit of code that I can modify and learn from. Thanks.

Title: Re: Parsing, Math Function Using LUA
Post by Admin on 12/05/09 at 13:30:04

You can code in perl, Python, JScript, or VBasic as well as LUA.   Ie.,  if you know any of these programming languages they all work in the extension if you tell the rule which language script you are using.

also,  you can do math & set folder values without any programming,  ie., directly as a folder assignment value.

hope helpful.

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