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Message started by montillo on 05/04/09 at 20:45:24

Title: How do I paste outline from word into ecco with hyperlinks, images ?
Post by montillo on 05/04/09 at 20:45:24

IS there an easy way to copy and past an outline in word with embedded hyperlinks, OLE objects and images into an outline in ECCO?

Currently I have pasted the outline as RTF via slang eccoext but that does not copy the images or hyperlinks, and I go back and "repair these" .. Is there an easier way?

Title: Re: How do I paste outline from word into ecco with hyperlinks, images ?
Post by Admin on 05/05/09 at 06:41:31

slang RTF OUTLINE pase is best Word to ecco outline.

You can copy into MagicView page with retained hyperlinks,   or drag the entire word file into MagicView and then ground (alt + G).   This would turn the outline into a viewpage,   NOT convert into ecco outline format.

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