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Ecco Tutorials, Tips and How-to Guides >> How do I ..... >> Where are the downloads.

Message started by slightlines on 04/21/09 at 22:41:25

Title: Where are the downloads.
Post by slightlines on 04/21/09 at 22:41:25

Hi.  I'm Jerry Cass.
I'm from north central Texas.
Nice to be here.
I need to install EccoPro in Vista.
I find plenty of descriptions, but I can't find the downloads.
Where are they?

Title: Re: Where are the downloads.
Post by slightlines on 04/21/09 at 23:40:46

Hooray, I found it.

Title: Re: Where are the downloads.
Post by Admin on 04/23/09 at 11:33:08

slightlines wrote:
Hooray, I found it.

in the board each 'header' opens to a thread (just like here).   The file download links are next to the paperclip found at the bottom of the first (usually) post in that thread.

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