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Message started by rjlouder on 02/03/09 at 12:13:49

Title: ecco 32 on win xp pro 64 bit
Post by rjlouder on 02/03/09 at 12:13:49


I have a new computer and I'm running win xp pro 64 bit to take advantage of 8 GB of memory. AMD processor.

for some reason I can't fathom, I can't seem to get ECCO installed on this computer.  when I click on the setup program I get this message that says basically "this file is an appropriate file but not for this type of machine."  I have tried moving the install files to the system 32 folder, but that didn't work. I tried putting the install files on an external HD to install from there, but that didn't work either.

could I install it manually and put the files in the proper directories? if that't the case, where could I find the info on what files go where?

I have been using ECCO ever since it first came out, and nothing I've seen since can even come close. I would be lost without this program.

I would be eternally grateful for any solutions.  thanks.

thingy louderman :'(

Title: Re: ecco 32 on win xp pro 64 bit
Post by Admin on 02/03/09 at 14:09:23


is link for single directory install.

MUST BE on the 32bit special program directory in Vista installs.   Not familiar with XP-64, so can't say.

if you can run other 32 bit programs (can you ?)  you should be able to run ecco.

hope helps... let me know!.

ps: check out  for cool tools,  including LightenUP! (second page of board) which should also run on unzipped single directory install.

Title: Re: ecco 32 on win xp pro 64 bit
Post by rjlouder on 02/03/09 at 14:46:40

thanks for ther reply!!!!! I'll try this file. I am running other 32 bit programs.

there is a folder called system 32 in XP. is that the folder you're talking about?


Title: Re: ecco 32 on win xp pro 64 bit
Post by rjlouder on 02/03/09 at 14:53:55

one mre thing ... I read the instructions for the file you referred me to, says the directory will be c\program files\eccoPro.  unfortunately my C drive, during the install process, got named "E". my tech support person says that I should'nt mess with that drive letter because then I might have to reinstall the system.

so is there some way I can change the dirctory to E\program files\EccoPro?

thanks again for all the help!!!

Title: Re: ecco 32 on win xp pro 64 bit
Post by rjlouder on 02/03/09 at 15:15:57

I followed your instructions, it worked, I am now running ecco, put my backup ecco data file in there. I did not click on the registry thing. if I do, will it tell the registry that ecco is in e:\program files\EccoPro?

Title: Re: ecco 32 on win xp pro 64 bit
Post by Admin on 02/03/09 at 19:26:48

rjlouder wrote:
I followed your instructions, it worked, I am now running ecco, put my backup ecco data file in there. I did not click on the registry thing. if I do, will it tell the registry that ecco is in e:\program files\EccoPro?

you can manually edit the .reg file to fix location to actual location on your disk.

suggest you then run the .reg from within ecco (as launch).  [untested]

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