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Ecco Tutorials, Tips and How-to Guides >> How do I ..... >> simulating a synchronize?

Message started by gomap3 on 07/16/08 at 02:51:06

Title: simulating a synchronize?
Post by gomap3 on 07/16/08 at 02:51:06

this is a stupid question.

how do you "simulate" a synchronize? it requires a mail client to be available. any ideas?

Title: Re: simulating a synchronize?
Post by gomap3 on 07/16/08 at 03:01:15

what mail client do you use to enable Ecco sync?

Title: Re: simulating a synchronize?
Post by Admin on 07/16/08 at 08:26:14

for 'sync' shouldn't need email client.

for 'shared' need client set up.


Ecco only messaging,

or,  simple MAPI  (Eudora 3)

should work great.

Title: Re: simulating a synchronize?
Post by gomap3 on 07/16/08 at 09:48:26

Yves Saint Lawrant,  or YSL,

you found an expert who spent 6 years of her life doing nothing but comparisons :)

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