Sample Script 7
Script that will take an entry from a pop-up folder list and check the matching check-mark folder while un-checking the non-matching ones . See Notes below.
- function SetCategoryFolder(item_id)
- tCategories={"Car","Computer","Duty","Education","Family","Finance","Fun","Health","Home","Investment","JobSearch","JobDo","Legal","Tax","Make$","Other","UnAssigned"}
- Category=get_folder_value("Category", item_id)
- if Category~="" then
- for index,TestCategory in ipairs(tCategories) do
- CurrCategory=get_folder_value("Category", item_id)
- if CurrCategory==TestCategory then
- set_folder_value(CurrCategory,item_id,1)
- else
- set_folder_value(TestCategory,item_id,0)
- end
- end
- else
- set_folder_value("UnAssigned",item_id,1)
- set_folder_value("Category",item_id,"UnAssigned")
- end
Code Description
- the laucmd.lua header for the script (function)
- set up a list of categories in a tCategories Table. Note: these values should be the same as the Category check-mark folders and the pop-up values in the pop-up folder (see Notes 1 & 2 below)
- assign the variable Category the current item's Category pop-up value (e.g. "Computer")
- conditional if statement to determine if the Category variable is empty ("")
- if Category has a value (is not empty), then iterate over all Categories in the tCategories Table Note: the index variable contains the Table index, and TestCategory variable contains the corresponding Category value (e.g. "Car" for the first index)
- assign the variable CurrCategory the current item's Category pop-up value (e.g. "Computer")
- conditional if statement to determine if the item's pop-up value (e.g. "Computer") matches the current (during the iteration) Table value (e.g. "Car")
- if it does, then the check-mark folder in the CurrCategory variable is set to 1 (true or checked)
- the else statement for conditional on line 7, and if line 7 is false then
- set the check-mark folder in the TestCategory variable to 0 (false or unchecked). Note that this will un-check all check-mark folders except the matching one as the Table is iterated.
- end of conditional on line 7
- end of the loop on line 5
- the else statement for the conditional on line 4
- set the item's check-mark folder "Unassigned" to 1 or checked. Note: This means that no Category has been assigned by the user
- also set the item's pop-up "Category" folder value to "Unassigned" Note: This means that no Category has been assigned by the user
- the end statement for the function on line 1
- Create several Category folders as check-mark folders (e.g. "Car","Computer","Duty", etc)
- Create a Popup Folder called "Categories" with values corresponding to the same Categories as the check-mark folders
- Create a text file "luacmd.lua" in the Ecco program directory (if it does not already exist)
- Add the function/Script as shown in the code above (w/o the numbers) to "luacmd.lua" file and save (The Script lists examples of Categories - modify as desired).
- In any folder (I have a check-mark folder called "LUA Scripts"), create the following rule (The rule will call the function in the "luacmd.lua" file as soon as an item is added or changed):
++:L:SetCategoryFolder(item_id) - How it works:
- When you set the popup value, the corresponding check-mark folder will be checked.
- Changing the popup value changes the check-mark Folder.
- Note that the reverse is not working, i.e. it is not possible to change the check-mark folder to change the popup value. This can be done but it is a bit complicated.
- Thus, trying to change the check-mark Folders is prevented. It will simply revert back according to the value set in the popup folder.
- If a new item is created w/o a popup category value, the popup will get the value "Unassigned" and the Unassigned check-mark folder will be checked.
- Note that only one category/item is permitted (because only one popup value can be set in an Ecco popup Folder)
This script is taken from the thread started by Jim Witherspoon and with the assistance of the following:
Jim Witherspoon
Albert Schepers