Slangmgh created some great additions to the find dialogs.
- A Regular Expression pattern may be used to search for text.
- The Find and Replace dialog now suports Regular Expression search and replace too.
Here is the extension's find and replace dialog (found on the Edit menu):
Here is an example of using a regular expression:
Suppose the phone numbers in your ECCO file are formated as
(123) 456-7890 or (123)456-7890
you want them to be formated as
In the Find: textbox, enter
In the Replace: textbox enter:
With the "Entire File" radio selected, press the "Collect All" button to find all of the matching items. Now select the "Current view" radio and the "Replace" and "Repl All" buttons are enabled. Use "Replace" to replace one matching string at at time. Press "Repl All" to replace all matching Strings.