sumd(value [, condition])


just like sumc() function, but used on the depends items
for sum all depends values if condition is true
If no condition given then the condition is assumed to be true.


++:D!-:sumd(fv("times") * fv("Price"), fv("Price") > 1):countc(fv("Price")) > 0
the flag for this example indicates that it will only act when a dependslevel item changes (D!-)
the value is the sum of the product of the "times" folder and the "Price" folder (sumd(fv("times") * fv("Price"), fv("Price")>2).
The contained condition is that the value of the "Price" folder must be greater than 2 ( fv("Price") > 2)
the ending condition is that the count of the depends "Price" folders with a value greater than 2, is greater than 0 (countd(fv("Price")>2) > 0).

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