OK, let's get going, its' really easy!

A) If you have Ecco already installed, go to B), otherwise start here.
BTW: This (= section A) is my very first contribution ever to a wiki ever on this planet. Exciting. :-) ws

Section A Installing ECCO

(tested under Windows XP Home edition, service pack 2)

Now your naked ECCO should be working and you should be able to go on with the next steps explained below in section B)

Section B Using eccoext

First, download the latest version of eccoext from the Yahoo! Groups Ecco_Pro forum. (While you are there, also download the replacement default.ect file which should replace your existing default.ect file in the ecco32.exe program directory. The new file fixes a latent corruption in the structure of the original template, and fixing it up-front will keep you smiling as you use EccoPro and can save many a-tear-drop down the road.)

Unpack the .rar file using your favorite compression tool. The latest version of WinZip works well, but there are also free utilities out there, including a nice (and Free) one in the Ecco_Pro forum Files section.

Inside the .rar file is an Ecco file called eccoext.eco It contains release information and everything you *really* need to get started. For what it's worth, I'm expecting that you are already an Ecco "power user", if not, you should go spend some time getting up-close-and-personal with Ecco. Then opening and reading the provided file will make a lot more sense. (A more 'user friendly' file with the rules and explanations is available in the Ecco_Pro file section).

OK, since you are probably in too much of a hurry to wade through the .eco files, here's a beta for you...

FIRST!!! back up your data! This is "bleeding edge stuff!" Work with a test file until you feel comfortable that everything is safe. It is TOTALLY YOUR responsibility to care for your own data! If there is a bug in the code that translates all of your data into Swahili, it's your problem, not any-one elses!!! Back up now!!! (FWIW, I ran it in a Virtual PC until I was comforatable that it was predictable and that I wouldn't @#$% things up...)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update these instructions if you think you can clarify them. Please don't flame me (I'll cry, but I'll get over it...) just make the fixes you think are appropriate...

Make as many bug reports as you can!! (there is a prize for the most bugs found).. Report Extension bug reports at:


And if you have any burning questions, post them on the ecco_pro forum at Yahoo! or if you have more "deep-geek" technical questions, join the conversation at EccoMagic... also..

You can get & GIVE help in the Extension's help forum at http://SlangHelp.com