(or when the rule is to work)
There are a series of characters that Trigger the method of auto assigning information to folders. Each has a purpose and depending on their individual or combined use they will affect the outcome differently.
- If the folder already contain value, then override the value, else set the value.
- Set the value into the folder when the ITT is created and the folder is empty.
- Caution: If the user were to enter data into the folder manually, prior to the condition becoming true, and subsequently the condition were to become true the folder will not be updated by the value of the expression. If the manually entered information were to be later deleted and the condition is true then the value of the expression will be entered into the folder.
- See Sample Rule 5 for an example of this action.
- The folder value will be cleared if:
- when '-' is not used with '!' and '+', and if the condition is true, then the folder value will be set,
- when '-' is used with '!' and '+', and if the condition is false, then the folder value will be clear.
- Indicates that the rule only applies to TLI item.
- when used no sub item or child will be acted upon so if the expression forces a value into a folder then it will only go into the folders associated with the TLI
- Rule will be triggered only when item text or item level change or item created.
- Though the rule will be automatically generated based on the value it is possible to force its action with the use of M (see below).
- Rule will be triggered only when the item folder value changed.
- Though the rule will be automatically generated based on the value it is possible to force its action with the use of M (see below).
- Indicates the use of LUA script.
- When this flag is used then +-! will not do anything.
- And you should add appropriate 'CPDIFS' flag.
- Rule will be triggered when any child item is changed
- Though the rule will be automatically generated based on the value it is possible to force its action with the use of M (see below)
- The rule will be triggered when the parent changes.
- Though the rule will be automatically generated based on the value it is possible to force its action with the use of M (see above).
- Rule will be triggered when any depends item changes (see depends).
- though the rule will be automatically generated based on the value it is possible to force its action with the use of M (see below)
- The rule will execute whenever when the file loaded.
- Though the rule will be automatically generated based on the value it is possible to force its action with the use of M (see above).
- Rule flag is manually set, eccoext will not automatically generate the flag.
- version deleted this flag due to confusion in its use may be reinstated if there appears to be a need
- Indicate the rule should be treated as normal rule (not 'C'/'P'/'D' rule) too.
- It can be 'CPD' rule at the same time.
- Indicate the normal rule (non 'CPD' rule) should be execute after all other rules have been executed.
- This flag will force the rule to only be activated if the "Check folder rule" or the "Check all folder rules" is explicitly executed.
- This flag will prevent the rule from executing.
Following is the order of execution for the flags:
- Execute the normal rules without 'Z' flag for current item
- Execute the 'C' rule for parent item repeatedly
- Execute the 'P' rule for all sub-item repeatedly
- Execute the 'D' rule for all depends item repeatedly
- Execute the normal rule with 'Z' flag for current item
- Check the Orphan
When execute 'CPD' rule for parent item/sub-item/depends item, if there is folder change, eccoext will execute the rule nestly for this item.
The 'C'/'P'/'D' rule can be used together, ie. ++:DC!-:"High":allc(fv("Done")) && alld(fv("Done"))
If the +-! flag not set, default is +
if the flag 'F' and flag 'I' is not set, default is 'FI'
Execute the rule when the item is first
created (+),
Only enters a value in the TLI folder, will not enter values into subitems or child items (T).
The same as T+ but executed only when the child item has been changed (C).
Adds or changes the folder value when the item text has been modified (!),
Only enters a value in the TLI folder, will not enter values into subitems or child items (T)
The same as T! but will add or change the folder value when the child item has been changed (C).
Adds or changes the folder value when the item text has been modified (!),
Only enters a value in the TLI folder, will not enter values into subitems or child items (T),
If the condition is false then the folder will be cleared (-).