Features in Detail

This page is for an explaination of the features in detail. Some headings are provided but please add and expand as you see fit.


Besides being able to use LUA functions within auto assign rules they may also be created and run as stand alone scripts.

LUA Auto Assign Rules

These are similar to the regular eccoext rules but the flag is set to L. With this flag the expression that follows is assumed to be LUA commands and execute as such. All other flags are disregarded ie +, ! ,F I etc. The condition may still be set which will determine if the rule will be executed or not but the expression itself must be LUA commands. See the Auto Assign Rules page for details and descriptions of the eccoext lua commands. Reference may also be made to the LUA manuals on the web for more comprehensive description of the LUA language and its functions. See also the examples that are a part of this wiki,

LUA Scripting

With the power of the LUA language there is a quasi macro language for ecco, a marvelous feat for a program that has been dead since 1998, well abandoned but not forgotten. LUA scripting may be written as stand alone functions that can extract selected ecco data and then manipulate it or store it. The method is simple.

A text file labeled luacmd.lua must exist in the c:\program\ecco directory. This is the same directory that eccoext and ecco reside. It is important that this file luacma.lua be a text file as that is what the interpretor will expect. Within the file there may be several functions each taking the form:

function name()
command block


So each piece of code that you wish to execute will be of the above form and one can follow the other. It is important to have the parenthesis at the end of the name() as without it the LUA interpretor will not recognize it as a function.

Here are sample LUA scripts