The Philosophy of Time Management

Time Management, more than anything else, means the planning and organizing of your time in such a way that you accomplish your most important goals as quickly as possible. Many people work very hard with no idea of what their real goals are... but others say that life without goals is like driving in an unfamiliar city without a roadmap.

If you do not have goals for yourself, you will be forever working to achieve the goals of someone else.

MyLife Organized - Task Management Software

«Before you can do anything you have to do something first»
Murphy's Law

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MyLife Organized (MLO) is a personal task outliner and to-do list manager which will help you to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree. The To-Do list with actions that require immediate attention will be generated. This list of next actions will be sorted in order of priority to keep you focused on the most important tasks. MLO is an ideal tool for Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology and it has special templates included for you to start your own GTD system.

MyLife Organized has Windows and Pocket PC editions and can be synced with your Outlook and MindManager. It will help you to track your personal projects and achieve your most important goals.

One of the key advantages of MyLife Organized is that despite being a very powerful and sophisticated piece of software it is extremely easy for even the most novice computer users. Simply minimize it to your system tray where it is available for your next thought or task.

MLO is being constantly improved. You can join MLO community to share your ideas.

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OneAlert - Reminder System


OneAlert is a lightweight and powerful reminder system with simple calendar.

To create new reminders just type something like this: "Call Katrin in 15 min" or "Send report next Fri 15:00"

We provide discount on OneAlert for those who purchased MyLife Organized Professional.

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