MyInfo 4 Screenshots

MyInfo Workspace Screenshot
MyInfo has a clean, intuitive, and easy to learn user interface. Its tabbed interface makes multiple files easy and fun to work with.

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Find Documents Screenshot
Find Documents
MyInfo finds what you search for instantly! Just type the words you are looking for, hit the search button, and the document you search for will be in front of your eyes. Click on a document in the results and all found words will be marked for your convenience. You can search in all MyInfo files, even those that are closed!

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Organize Topics Dialog Screenshot
Organize Topics dialog
Organize Topics dialog allows you to manage MyInfo files without even using the Windows Explorer. It goes an extra mile by removing the backup topics, when you delete a topic. This ensures that the information you want to delete is safetly purged from your computer.

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Styles Dialog Screenshot
Text Styles Dialog
Text styles allow you to have consistent and professional looking formatting throughout all documents in the topic.

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Insert Hyperlink Dialog Screenshot
Insert Hyperlink Dialog
You can insert hyperlinks in the text editor from a variety of sources and assign them custom captions.

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Built-in Web Browser Screenshot
Built-in Web Browser
MyInfo has it's own built-in web browser, so you can surf the collected web resources without leaving MyInfo.

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Welcome Tour Screenshot
Easy to Start
With the help of MyInfo Welcome Tour, MyInfo Tutorial and the Tips-On-The-Go screens, learning how to use MyInfo is easy and fun!

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