Journal - Daily Memos

The Journals section is an ideal place to store a daily diary containing memos, day specific notes and thoughts. With do-Organizer Journal you can have many colorful and content rich diaries as you’d like.

Journal - Daily Memos

do-Organizer Journal works in a similar way to the Scribe section except it doesn’t have a folders based navigator like Scribe. The journal uses dates to navigate. This is so that you can create journals for specific dates. It is possible to create more than one journal for the same day. They are listed under the calendar in the Journal’s tree view area.

Select a date from the journal’s calendar and the journal entries for the chosen date is shown underneath on the left side [assuming the date you have selected contains at least one Journal entry]. Selecting an entry from this list will open the journal entry for viewing and editing in the main viewing area on the right.

The Journal’s text editor is exactly the same as the Scribe editor. It has all the functions and abilities of notes. You can add rich text, images, tables in the same way as Scribe documents and ofcourse, link them to any record, anywhere in do-Organizer.