Linx - URLs Bookmarks Manager

Linx is a comprehensive URLs bookmark manger that is integrated into do-Organizer. You no longer have to depend on other applications to keep a well organized set of Internet URLs bookmarks.

Linx - URLs Bookmarks Manager

Linx is not dependent on any web browser to store URL bookmarks. It’s an independent facility that you can use with almost any web browser side by side with it’s handy “MiniBar” bookmarking facility. Why depend on the insufficient browser’s bookmarking facility? They tend to offer you limited options.

Using the full bookmark manager within do-Organizer is extremely handy, when it comes to linking and managing information intelligently.

Linx - URLs Bookmarks Manager

Linx gives you option to capture website thumbnail and can display your bookmarks in thumb view beside traditional list view. The Linx section offers you the built-in browser tool to easily get organized.