Mendeley makes research easier

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Mendeley is the easiest way to manage, share and cite your collection of research papers - both on your desktop and online. It also lets you discover research trends and connects you to like-minded researchers. Here are some of its features:
Automatic metadata and reference extraction (1/9)
Automatic metadata and reference extraction Full-text search and filters File management, renaming and folder monitoring Bibliographies in Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Sharing and collaborative annotation Online management and multi-machine synchronization Citation capturing in the browser Research trends and statistics Research profiles and newsfeeds
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When you drag & drop your PDFs into Mendeley Desktop, it will extract the documents' metadata, keywords and cited references. It also looks up CrossRef DOIs, arXiv IDs and PubMed metadata automatically.
Create your personal research paper library in minutes!
Once you have created your research paper library, you can full-text search every document and see the context in which the search terms are appearing.
You can also filter by authors, journal, keywords and your own tags.
Tired of filenames like "1018987as98u1ba.pdf"? Mendeley Desktop can manage the files on your hard drive and rename them to "Author - Year - Title.pdf".
You can also use the folder monitoring feature to import any new file in a specified folder automatically.
Insert citations into Microsoft Word documents and create bibliographies automatically.
An OpenOffice plugin and automatic BibTeX export/LaTeX integration are coming soon!
You can share research papers with colleagues and annotate them collaboratively. Just create a "Shared Group", invite your colleagues, and drag & drop documents in there!
Sync your documents to your free and private Mendeley Web account. You can now manage and access your documents online!
Do you have a Windows PC at work, a Mac at home, and a Linux notebook for travelling? Using the Mendeley Web account, you can synchronize your research paper library across all three computers!
Coming soon: Use our browser bookmarklet to capture metadata and citations from websites with a single click!
For starters, we support capturing data from ACM Digital Library,, arXiv, Astrophysics Data System, CiteSeer, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, Google Books, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. More websites will be added continuously, and we're also working on an integration with CiteULike.
Discover aggregate and anonymous statistics about research trends: View the most popular authors, papers, journals and tags in your academic discipline, and discover interesting statistics about your own research paper library.
Create a research profile to be discovered by other researchers. When you add new publications, awards or conference travels, your colleagues will be informed via a newsfeed.