WhizFolders 6.1
Note Taking Software, Outliner and Link Manager for your notes & ideas

A Note Organizer and Outliner that makes it easy to create, manage and link all your notes with drag & drop ease. Heavy-duty software. See all these power features for demanding users.

  • A single document can keep thousands of notes and yet opens fast!
  • Simple interface, not clogged by features that you don't need
  • Convenient two-pane, list-editor document window
  • Full screen editor also available
  • Hierarchial list with duplicate note names possible
  • Rearrange or outline the list with drag and drop or by toolbar
  • Convenient button or keyboard alternatives for outlining
  • Join a bunch of notes to make a big document
  • Copy notes by drag and drop or clipboard
  • A note can have rich text
  • Uses
    Microsoft RichEdit
    Shouldn't you be able to exchange
    rich text easily with other RTF editors
    like Microsoft Word?

    Yes, you certainly need that facility. After all, we all like to use several tools when using Windows. Different tools do different jobs well.

    Here comes the good part. WhizFolders uses Microsoft RichEdit control. The idea is that we want you to easily exchange RTF text with Microsoft Word, Wordpad and other RTF editors.

    Click Here to read more on this.
    for RTF compatibility
  • You can insert pictures, links and ole objects

Great price with free updates for two years! The Deluxe Edition costs $80 and Pro Edition costs $39 only, both with free updates for 2 years. See compare editions. Fully functional 15-day trial of the Pro edition is available.
Many more features:
  • Export to RTF or HTML
  • Distribute notes with freeware viewer
  • Password protection (in paid version),
  • Boolean search for words with AND, OR, NEAR
  • Automatic paste feature to collect text from other applications
  • Flexible settings--vertical panes, multiple windows, and more
  • Nice tutorial to get started in minutes!

For more details, please see the features, demos and the Blog. Also see, Hundreds of uses.

What the users are saying about WhizFolders

"It is by far the most valuable software I have purchased in the last two years, and I recommend it to all of my colleagues and students. It has become the center of my work. It is elegantly straightforward and powerfully flexible. It does what it intends to do without extraneous functions. I have explored other note-taking and PIM software, and I can find none better."

"What I appreciate is your focus on notes. I'm so tired of programs that start out well-composed but then think that they must add more and more features to become 'multi-purpose' and end up clogging themselves with lots of junk that most users don't need or want. Notes are at the core of what most of us do, and a program that optimizes note-taking and management will always be of great value."
Bill Kelly

Shows Free Trial Download Details
Why to use WhizFolders as a writing tool

Take a screenshot tour

A WhizFolder Document

The picture shows the Tutorial Document which is, a WhizFolder document itself, showing many features.

A WhizFolder document has two panes. The left pane shows the titles of the notes and the right pane shows the content of the selected note.

Since the list is hierarchial, it also represents the structure of the document. This helps you review your document faster as you look at the list first and then look at the contents as necessary by clicking on them. It also helps load a WhizFolder document very fast even if it contains thousands of notes.

You can have many such WhizFolder documents, one on each subject, keeping all the notes on that subject. Think of a WhizFolder document as a file type with the extension ".wzfolder" that you can keep anywhere and take with you on a portable disk to any other computer. Even other people who don't have WhizFolders can look at your documents with a freeware viewer available from WhizFolders web site.

Click on the picture to enlarge
(See more screenshots)

See an Introductory
Flash Demo Movie
Click to play the introductory tour demo
Demo--introductory tour

(Tutorial made with my favorite demo software)

More demos are available on the Demos link at the top of the page.

Shows Prices and the Link to the Store
"I'm a writer and journalist; plus I have books out, etc. And it really is helping with my work, way beyond any of the tree type organisers I tested. It really is a powerful tool for writers - and I say that as someone who is very cynical about software 'solutions.'"
Jimmy Lee

"WhizFolders has become an essential tool in my practice and my teaching. As a lawyer, I use it for all kinds of legal research, outlining articles for publication, noting important judgements, structuring notes and outlines for complex drafts and more. As a lecturer, it is invaluable for organizing lectures and lecture notes. Its hyperlinking and web-research capabilities are without parallel."
Gautam Patel

"I use this wonderful program to organize research notes for my academic program. I am working on a theology doctorate, and must maintain an organized database of a wide variety of research materials. This program has been an invaluable tool. The program is sophisticated and feature-rich, yet the interface is simple and does not require me to spend hours poring over a technical manual to effect the results I require."
Linda George

Read more comments from our customers...
"Made exhaustive search for the perfect program. Thought I'd never find it, but I did and much more."
Bonnie Smith

"WhizFolders is an outstanding product. Definitely the best piece of software I have purchased all year."
Michael Gadd

"Your customer support is great and goes far beyond expectations."
Kirk Stromberg

"I just purchased WhizFolders Pro and am very impressed with its capabilities. I've been a long time user of organizers and have tried just about everyone that has become available. Two of my favorites have been ... and ... (names withheld), but so far WhizFolders beats them both."

"In addition to the normal note taking, I've already started using it for my web links (annotated "favorites") and for an organized way to launch programs."
Phil Davis

How do you write your notes more effectively so that they are easier to review later?

Here are some tips. WhizFolders is based on these principles and helps you write notes that are easier to review, brainstorm and comprehend later.

Do not write your notes in a single long word processor document. A long document is difficult to review and understand.

Write your notes in pieces, and insert them in a list of notes. Give a good descriptive name to each note or piece for easy indentification.

A list of note names is easier to review and comprehend. Such a list of notes is the foremost and a better view of the ideas in your whole document. You are able to see all the notes at a glance. The text of the note is of secondary importance. You see it only if necessary.
Note taking in pieces, a new idea

Move around the note pieces in the list and arrange them in a sequence according to your own understanding. This sequence is often different from the sequence that the original author made up. If you are writing from your own thoughts, the ideas often come to you in random order and you sequence them later when reviewing.

Categorize the list of notes further by making a hierarchy of notes. Make some notes, children of a particular summary note. Introduce new parent notes as necessary to help the categorization.
Note taking with drag & drop

Make important note names stand out by highlighting them with a different color. These colors add another dimension to the categorization. For example, some notes are related to each other even if they are in different categories in the list. Highlight them with the same color.
Note taking with drag & drop
Often when looking up a note, it reminds you of another note that you added in some other place in the list. Just drop a link to that other note in the text of the current note. This helps immensely in reviewing because you click on the links and see all the notes relevant to that idea. This adds yet another dimension to the categorization of your notes as described above.

WhizFolders supports each and every idea presented above with a simple, intuitive interface. It supports Rich Text too so that you can enter any international character in any font. Some users are even using Hebrew characters to make Bible notes.
Note taking with links

When you are done writing a set of note pieces, you can combine multiple pieces to make a document to give to someone. Just select the desired notes, copy them to the clipboard and paste them in a word processor as a single document. Or you can even print those pieces together as a book directly with WhizFolders.
Combining the pieces into a document

Use WhizFolders and satisfy your mind that always seeks better classification tools when dealing with new ideas

Note taking in a two pane window Not only can you do all of the above easily with simple drag and drop, button click features, you can also do a host of other things--use auto-pasting to collect information from the Internet and other documents, have links to open web sites and even other documents, export the notes to HTML to make a web page, export to RTF for use in your word processor, set up a document to automatically prefix note names with date and time to make your own diary or journal, distribute your notes to others with the freeware viewer utility, embed OLE objects like spreadsheets directly in your notes, and so on.

WhizFolders is so flexible that you can use it in hundreds of ways. Just see the list below.
Hundreds of uses of this software
  • A Note Organizer: Keep thousands of notes organized in each file.
  • An Outliner: Start your writing projects easily. Outline your ideas in a tree like structure with drag and drop features.
  • A Bibliographic Cross-reference Tool: Drop easy links to other related notes, making it easy to make a well-linked document.
  • A Study Tool: Learn new subjects in pieces and understand them faster. Drop links between related notes for easy review.
  • A Clipboard Data Collection Utility: Use the convenient Auto-pasting feature, and collect new ideas and facts easily from the Internet and other sources.
  • A Bookmark or Favorites Utility: Drop links to web sites and to other documents on your disk. Document all those links properly with attached notes.
  • A Family Tree Maker: Drop links between family tree notes to describe the relationships.
  • A Different Type of Calendar, Diary or Todo List: Apply your mind, and use the easy hyperlinking features to make your own calendar, diary or task list that works in new ways. See some examples in user comments.
  • Replace your Notepad or Cardfile software: You are no longer limited to plain dull notes. Enter rich text in your notes along with hyperlinks, pictures and OLE objects.
  • A Thinking Aid or Brainstorming Tool: Start storing those brilliant random ideas (cross-thoughts) that you often get but can't promptly place in a document for future reference.

More uses... You are limited only by your imagination. See user comments.

Don't lose precious cross thoughts. Give your mind the tool that it deserves. Give it WhizFolders.

Do not lose brilliant ideas. Write them down and brainstorm them with this organizer software While writing your notes and ideas, you often get a cross-thought, that "other" brilliant idea that pops up in your creative mind unexpectedly. You may have had a tendency to ignore cross-thoughts all along just because your software made it inconvenient to note that down elsewhere. Don't do that. WhizFolders makes it easy to write down a cross thought as a separate note, and have a link going to it from the current note if it is related.

There is no hidden database in some spurious location to deal with when it comes to backing up your notes or giving them to a friend. You can keep such huge set of notes in a single disk file with a name and location of your choice. You can have as many such files as you want for different purposes, giving you maximum flexibility in managing them with the Windows explorer and other familiar utilities. You can search through these files for any piece of information, just like an Internet search engine. For example, you can look for notes that contain the words "meeting and Tom" or "Tom or Peter." That gives you limitless power for storing and finding your notes. Moreover, you can give away our freeware, compact viewer software with your notes so that WhizFolders is not needed when viewing these notes. The possibilities are endless with WhizFolders.

Each WhizFolder document opens up in a nice explorer style two pane list

Two pane organizer and outliner for your notes and ideas

Two pane organizer and outliner for your notes and ideas
You can keep hundreds or even thousands of notes in a single WhizFolder document. Your notes are neatly organized in a tree-like, hierarchial list. You can drag & drop note names around the list to make an outline of note names. You can even insert links in the list to make your document a powerful Favorites utility with unlimited notes for bookmarks. For example, you can insert links to web sites with accompanying notes so that you don't tear your hair trying to remember why you put that link.

Have multiple WhizFolder documents, one for each category

Text editor with multiple windows

Text editor with multiple windows
You can have multiple documents open on your desktop, each remembering its position for the next session. Use search engine like search on your notes. Search for words joined by "and, or." Copying multiple notes across different documents is easy. Just drag and drop or copy and paste the notes.

Use auto-pasting feature to collect useful information from the Internet and from your existing documents

Watch clipboard in action

Watch clipboard in action

The picture shows the confirmation dialog that comes up before auto pasting. Here, using the Vista Snipping Tool, I copied a portion of a web page as a picture and WhizFolders immediately brought up the watch clipboard confirmation where I can change the name of the new item being added.
Put on the "Watch clipboard" option for a document, and go on copying text or pictures from your browser or any other application. The corresponding notes will be added automatically in your WhizFolder document.

Print a bunch of notes with a nice table of contents

Print a nice book of your notes with automatic table of contents

Print a nice book of your notes with automatic table of contents

This is actually an old screenshot with low quality. We will replace it with a new one soon.
Print a book of your notes with a nice table of contents. Select as few or as many notes from the list as you want. You can resume large printouts from an interrupted page or print a range of pages.

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