MyInfo Features


Collect Information Easily

By using the AutoPaste and QuickPaste features, you can collect information into MyInfo, even when it is minimized and you are working with another application.

Microsoft OfficeŽ Integration

MyInfo not only shares Microsoft OfficeŽ look & feel and shortcuts, but also tightly integrates with it. If you have Microsoft WordŽ installed, you can import Word documents into your topics and if you have Microsoft ExcelŽ installed, you can paste tables from it, directly in the text editor.

MyInfo accepts Outlook hyperlinks, so you can open mail messages and other Outlook items, directly from MyInfo.

Capture Entire Web Pages [New]

You can save local copy of a web page, if you want to browse it offline using the builtin web browser.

Drag & Drop Everywhere

You can drag text, pictures, links, files, and mail messages in the MyInfo tree editor, creating new documents on-the-fly. MyInfo will intelligently create document of the appropriate type and import the dragged data.

You can also quickly reorder documents in the tree and even move them between topics, using the drag & drop function.

File Embedding and Editing

You can insert files from other applications into MyInfo, thus keeping all your information in one place. You can edit embedded files and the changes will be saved back in MyInfo.

USB/Flash Drive Install [New] [Pro Only]

You can use MyInfo 4, even if you are on the move and would not like to carry a laptop around. Just install MyInfo on a portable drive like (USB flash or thumb drive) and have all your information with you. Anywhere.


Tabbed Interface

MyInfo features a tabbed interface, which allows you to work with multiple files in the same application window and switch between them easily. You can rearrange the tabs using the new Organize Topics function and sort them alphabetically.

User Attributes in the Tree

Another unique MyInfo feature is its multi-column tree. Each topic comes with a predefined set of built-in attributes, containing various information about the documents in the topic. You can create your own attributes if you want to assign additional metadata to the documents in the topic. You can filter for documents depending on the attributes they have.

Tasks [New]

MyInfo 4 allows you to easily insert tasks in the tree with priority and due dates. You can see a full list of your tasks with a single click in the Filter View.

Filter Documents [Improved]

You can filter documents in the tree on their attribute values and other information. Clicking on a document tag will show you all documents with the same tag in the tree.

Group results by attribute value for better navigation.

Document Tags

Document tags (or keywords) are a handy tool for categorizing and finding related documents. They work exactly like tags in the popular social bookmarking web sites such as

Instant Search Results

MyInfo indexes your information, so when you search in your topics (even these that are not open in MyInfo) you get instant and accurate results.

Document Cloning

If you want the same document to appear in different parts of the topic tree, you will find the MyInfo cloning feature indispensable.

Favorites [New]

Favorites allow you to bookmark your most frequently used documents, topic, and filters.

Calendar View

MyInfo calendar view makes it easy to spot upcoming tasks and other important dates.

Sort Documents

Sort documents by up to three document attributes.


Full-Featured Text Editor

MyInfo text editor has a full range of word-processing features. It offers rich text formatting, hyperlinks, tables, pictures, and OLE objects support.

MyInfo unique feature are the text formatting styles, which are shared in the whole topic. So you can quickly change the topic look and achieve consistent, professional look of your topics without manual labor.

You can easily find and replace text within the document.

Spelling [New]

MyInfo 4 has a full-fledged spell checker. It offers spell-as-you-type spelling, additional dictionaries for all major languages and it actually learns from you, so if you make the same mistakes multiple times, it will make more intelligent suggestions.

Formatting in the Tree [New]

In MyInfo 4 you can format the appearance of any single document in the tree. You can change fonts, sizes, colors, font effects (bold, italic, underline), and even their background color.

In addition, the formatting is preserved when you export the topic to a Word file or just want to print it!


Link to MyInfo from Anywhere

MyInfo can create links to its topics and document and then you can place these links in any Windows applications or as shortcuts on your desktop. Then clicking on this links, opens MyInfo and the desired item.

Files and Folders Export [New]

Export all documents, web resources and embedded files to a folder, retaining the tree structure.

Export as a Web Page

Export documents as a web page, retaining all text formatting, images and tables.

Export as a Web site [Pro Only]

Export MyInfo topic as a web site and publish it on the Internet.

Print and Print Preview

Print any part of your information in MyInfo.

CSV Export [New] [Pro Only]

Export all documents and their attributes to a Microsoft Excel, where you can analyze them.

Open Architecture

MyInfo does not lock your data. In fact, MyInfo has open import and export architecture, allowing third-party developers to create plugins for importing and exporting information between MyInfo and any third-party application.

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