ActionOutline - store and arrange all your information in a tree outline form!

Build outlined freeform storage for your thoughts, ideas and information in an intuitive way!

You come up with this brilliant thought, or maybe your mother just sent you a recipe for her new chicken casserole.What do you do with this information?With ActionOutline you now have a place to put all your info and thoughts!

ActionOutline window. Click to enlarge...

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A simple yet useful organizer, ActionOutline consists of anExplorer-like interface where you can store and arrangeall your information in a tree outline form. Arrange items using yourkeyboard or mouse, cut and paste branches,place checks or tags next to listed items, search information, printdata, export to the external file, or link to web or local files.

ActionOutline window. Click to enlarge...

ActionOutline can be your be-all, end-all solution to organizing your life. When you want it out of sight simplyminimize it to your system tray where it's available for your next fleeting thought or item.

The possibilities for its use are practically endless: to-do lists, recipes, project notes, personal contacts,bookmark lists, reports, term papers and more.

ActionOutline 3 lets you handle multiple outlines with ease, thanksto the new tabbed multi-document interface. And with Network Edition ofActionOutlineyou can share your outlines on the network!
Read what's new in version 3.

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Download 30-day trial version of ActionOutline!Buy full version now and download it immediately after order authorization!

"..It's a to-do list ... no, it's an organizer... no, it's a notepad... nope it's ActionOutline! To-do list, organizer, notepad, free form jotter and more are what ActionOutline offers.."

"..ActionOutlineis a super-intuitive information management tool, letting you build andmaintain freeform text in tree outline form.I figured this thing out in just a few clicks. Even better: That's how little effort it took to get it handling myto do lists, bookmarks, email lists, issue/article/book/project outlines and notes... just about ALL the info I needto work with on a daily basis, in other words. With the ability to add Net-ready hot links (URLs, email addresses, etc.)and the System Tray-parked app always just a quick click away, I can't imagine anyone working without it after trying it out.."

Eldon Sarte,

"...I recently downloaded your software after seeing a recommendation on ZDNet. ActionOutline ROCKS!Believe it or not, I've been searching for such a tool for months (upuntil now Visio was the only thing that came close) to organise theresults of my brainstorming and planning sessions. In despair, I wasabout to write one myself until I found ActionOutline. Intuitive, powerful, cheap - everything I could ask for!! Kudos on a great product..."

Marc Belgrave
Technical Consultant
See more testimonials from ActionOutline users!

With AO you can createa structure for any project - be it a novel, research paper, list ofrecipes, travel itinerary or business proposition - and populate itwith the information you need. AO lets you enter text, webaddresses, phone numbers, date stamps for entries and links to files.Each heading can be collapsed so that your project looks like the tableof contents in a book. You then drag around the subheadings until the structure of the idea looks right.AO is part database, part brainstorming tool, and does both jobs betterthan anything else I can think of. When you've finished working on thestructure, you can export it and work on it in a word processor.

David Hewson,
Sunday Times

With ActionOutline you can: