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Try the Download for Free.

Click here to start the download. For PC's only.
(about 5.4 MB).

If you need a nicrophone, go ahead and buy right awy. There is a 30-day money back guarantee if it doesn't work out for you.

Downloading Instructions

Save the file to a location you can remember such as your Desktop. When finished downloading, choose Run from the dialog box. Choose Run again. Then follow the steps to install the software.

What exactly is PerfectNotes™ software?

PerfectNotes™ software is software for taking notes. While you are taking notes, you can push a button at any time to create bookmarks for what you have heard. You can also type a label to help you remember the purpose of each bookmark.

Come back at any time, click near a bookmark, and hear exactly what was said at the time the bookmark was made. Even better, play it back at your pace! Speed up a slow-talking professor or slow down a quick talking friend.

It's amazing how much better your notes are when you can relax, participate, and never have to worry about getting it all down at that moment.

PerfectNotes™ software requires a microphone to work.

PerfectNotes™ software needs a microphone in order to record what you hear. Most notebook computers come with a microphone built-in. Most of these don't work very well, however. If the sound quality of your trial version isn't working very well, it isn't necessarily a problem with the software. When you purchase, we will send you a high quality microphone that works well with taking notes.

Tips for Success:

When you are using this software, sit so you are fairly near the speaker. Sitting at the back of the room might not give you the best sound quality, especially in a large room.




note taking software

"I was frustrated in class because I wanted to take great notes, but trying to get the notes down right made it hard for me to really listen and participate.

After getting PerfectNotes™ software I can take notes but not have to worry about getting my notes exactly right. That leaves me free to participate and really listen knowing I can go back later and flesh out my notes.

I actually understand what is going on in class much better now than when I just concentrated on taking notes. "


PerfectNotes notetaking software
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