What is BrainStreamer ?

Unique way to find related items

BrainStreamer lets you easily define what information is related to a specific item.
Do you have a project with sub-projects, people, documents, website links, notes, companies and other related information?
BrainStreamer lets you define, view and print all the related information in one easy to navigate place.
Multiple connections to different information items, is one of the key strengths of BrainStreamer !

Try BrainStreamer risk free Now!

What kind of information can BrainStreamer handle?

All kinds, free text, projects, persons, companies, goals, tasks,... Click here to find out more

Fast and easy searching

What is the use of information if you can't find it?
BrainStreamer includes a fast and easy to use search function. Just type some words and it will show all the related items.


We all have our interests that we refer to frequently.

Using the easy favorites list, this information is just 1 click away.

View your information the way you want.

Arrange the views in BrainStreamer the way You want.

Mind map

View all your information as one very big mind map, but with an easy way to focus on 1 item.

Project management

Do you need a simple way to estimate how long a project will take?
Do you need a simple way to view all information related to a project ?
BrainStreamer is there for You.
Enter the project, add sub-project, add people, add estimates, add nodes...
Now you have everything you need in one easy to view and navigate place.

Copy-paste from the Internet, Word, Excel...

BrainStreamer includes an excellent 'WYSIWYG' HTML editor.
Found something interesting on the internet?
Copy the interesting part in BrainStreamer.
The included editor can handle most text formats, you can even copy excel data as a table.

Try BrainStreamer now! Risk free!