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Achieve Planner

Time Management Software





It’s much easier once you start using the right tool for the job...

Achieve Planner is a practical Windows time management software system that helps you get organized, increase your productivity and make better use of your time.

The best part is, it’s easy to use. Just install it and within minutes you’ll be able to...

Work With Multiple Projects Without Feeling Overwhelmed

If you work with multiple projects, you’ll now be able to capture, organize and manage ALL of them in one central place.

You can break down large projects into smaller steps using as many levels as you need, and you can easily zoom out to get a bird’s eye view of all your projects without getting overwhelmed by all the details.

Then you can zoom in and FOCUS on your most important projects, the ones that will make a real difference to your bottom line, and get them done!

Get Your Life Organized

Achieve Planner uses outlines (multi-level lists) to help you organize everything that you need to do. You’ll feel less stress and overwhelm because you’re more organized and you’ve taken control of your time, rather than letting time control you.

Use a More Effective To-Do List

Achieve Planner separates your projects from your tasks. This helps you focus on outcomes and not just actions.

You’ll end up with a smaller and more manageable Master Project List and you’ll be able to zoom in on a specific project without getting distracted by everything else on your plate.

You’ll finally have a to-do list that really works!


MAKE Time For The Important Projects You’re Neglecting

You know what I’m talking about. Whether it’s getting traffic, networking, writing newsletter articles, or creating products, we all have important projects that we KNOW can make a difference, but we just can’t seem to find the time to do them!

Achieve Planner uses color-coded priorities to help you focus on what is most important and a Weekly Planning Process to help you MAKE time for your top projects each week.

You’ll be able to make significant progress on the projects that you KNOW will grow your business and take it to the next level!

Plan Your Weeks & Days For Maximum Productivity

When you wake up each morning, you’ll KNOW exactly what you need to do that day and you’ll know where and how to get started.

You can design your ideal day for maximum productivity and plan your weeks to balance your important long-term projects with your pressing short-term tasks.


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Feel More Focused and Productive While You Work

When you stay focused on what’s most important instead of wasting your time with trivia or the tyranny of the urgent, you’ll get to the end of a busy day feel great about everything that you accomplished and all that you got done!

Save Time and Dramatically Increase Your Productivity

You’ll take CONTROL of your tasks, your schedule and your life and accomplish more in less time because you are working more effectively.

Taking control means you can MAKE time to spend with your family, play golf, catch up on your hobbies or do the things you really enjoy.

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

Achieve Planner is very flexible and supports different styles of planning.

Whether you prefer detailed weekly planning or planning as you go, Achieve Planner helps you get the right things done because you are planning your work and then working your plan.

Make steady progress on your most important projects and goals... instead of feeling like you are just spinning your wheels!


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Find What You Need When You Need It

Powerful filtering and advanced search helps you find the information that you need when you need it. You can even take snapshots of your filters so you can quickly use them again later.

Manage Your Deadlines, Meetings and Appointments

You can easily see all your upcoming deadlines at a glance so that you never again are caught by surprise or let something really important fall through the cracks.

Find The Best Tasks To Work On Across ALL Your Projects

The Task Chooser gives you a sorted and filtered list of the best tasks to work on across ALL your projects using criteria that you specify like priority, deadlines, and contexts.

Achieve Planner is ideal for fans of David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. In fact, some users have called Achieve Planner a “killer” GTD application because it supports GTD-style Contexts and Next Action Lists.

Use Project Templates To Save Time and Effort

Do you have recurring projects that always have the same set of tasks (like product launches or events)? Would you like to use checklists to help you perform routine tasks consistently?

Achieve Planner provides extensive support for Project Templates so you can quickly and easily create new projects based on your templates. You can even adjust task deadlines automatically from your project’s deadline.

Easily Capture And Organize New Work

The Quick Task Capture feature lets you easily capture new projects and tasks as you think of them by using a Hot Key that you can activate from any application.

The New Task Organizer Wizard helps you process and organize your captured tasks quickly and easily.

The “Ultimate Productivity Process”

Achieve Planner works so well because it’s designed from the ground up with effective time management principles in mind.

The Overview tab helps you see the Productivity Process behind Achieve Planner and provides easy links to the different parts of the software.

You’ll also get access to the Achieve Planner Training Center, which includes a time management training course that walks you through this productivity process step-by-step.


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Two-Way Sync With Microsoft Outlook®

If you use Microsoft Outlook® (XP/2003/2007), Achieve Planner can keep your appointments and tasks synchronized with your Outlook calendar and tasks folders.

Since Outlook synchronizes to most PDAs, Smartphones and Blackberries, you can use it to synchronize your data and take it with you.

You can even track action-oriented emails as projects/tasks in Achieve Planner.

Comprehensive Life Planning System

Achieve Planner is more than just a productivity tool, it is a comprehensive life planning system. In the end, being more productive doesn’t matter unless you are heading in the right direction and creating the kinds of results that you really want in your life.

The best life planner I’ve ever used! When it comes to doing complete “Life Planning” there are very few products on the market that allow for it... I’ve tried everything from paper planners to over a dozen software packages. I’ve settled on the Achieve Productivity Suite to help put my life in order!”

- Eric Eckberg

The Productivity Suite edition of Achieve Planner also includes several life planning and goal setting tools like:

  • Your strategic life plan

  • Capture, organize and plan your goals and dreams

  • Break goals down into projects and tasks

  • Track your progress on your different goals

  • Metrics that help you track progress and results

  • Daily goal review

  • Link motivational images to your goals

View your progress using metrics

Automatic Scheduling

If you provide effort estimates for your tasks, Achieve Planner can automatically compute the expected start/end dates for your projects and tasks based on your effort estimates, priorities, and weekly schedule project blocks.

Never forget a deadline againYou can use the Actions -> Reschedule command anytime you make a significant change to your projects, tasks, or weekly schedule to re-compute the start/end dates of projects & tasks.

Achieve Planner will warn you if any of your projects or tasks are overdue or running behind schedule based on the expected dates and any deadlines you’ve set.

Much, Much More!

Achieve Planner has a wide variety of additional features that help you save time and work more productively. Plus, we are frequently adding more based on suggestions from our customers.

Many to-do list programs look good, but they are too simplistic or are missing key features (like a calendar) to really help you get things done, while project management software is often too complicated and expensive for your needs.

That’s why Achieve Planner is very unique.

It’s easy to use and yet it’s powerful enough to help you keep track of all your projects and tasks, focus on what is most important, manage your busy schedule, feel like you are finally in control of your time, and dramatically increase your productivity!

Order Now     Download Free Trial Now

At last!
A Practical Time Management Software
System That Really Works!

But don’t take my word for it, here is what customers from all over the world are saying about this unique and powerful program...

“After trying Achieve Planner for nearly two months I can honestly say that it has revolutionized the way I work.


I have an incredibly busy schedule so I need something that can cope with a multitude of tasks, projects and appointments whilst at the same time keeping me focused on what is most important. Achieve Planner does all of this and much more besides.

Over the years I’ve tried pretty much every system on the market and nothing, absolutely nothing, comes anywhere close to this. It looks great, works superbly, comes with excellent instructions, is a pleasure to use, but most important of all - IT REALLY WORKS!

For anyone who wants to get organized and take their productivity to the next level Achieve Planner is an absolute must. It’s one piece of software that I’m certain I’ll be using for many years to come.”

- Paul Smithson


“I would like to congratulate and thank you for developing a very useful piece of software. I am a scientist doing biomedical research at a large university medical school and I am VERY busy.


I have looked for a long time for software that would be genuinely helpful in managing my schedule.


Your product is the first thing that I have found that really seems to be working.

- R.E. Crist, Ph.D.


The best life planner I’ve ever used! When it comes to doing complete “Life Planning” there are very few products on the market that allow for it... I’ve tried everything from paper planners to over a dozen software packages. I’ve settled on the Achieve Productivity Suite to help put my life in order!”

- Eric Eckberg


Great stuff! Just want you to know that I’ve used several different time management software systems. Achieve Pro is turning out to be the best.... This product is what RPM and OPA tried to be, but never could perfect. It really seems to be the best of all

- Alan Furst

One more thing...

Achieve Planner includes detailed instructions, video tutorials and even a time management training program.

These training resources will not only help you get started with the software step-by-step, but will also cover some advanced tips and tricks to help you take your productivity to the next level... and they are included for FREE with Achieve Planner.

I also want you to know that we are here to support you. If you have questions, just contact us via the technical support form or visit the community forums where you can get help, tips and advice from other Achieve Planner users.

How Much Is Your Time Worth?

Let’s say that Achieve Planner only helps you gain 30 minutes of productive time each day, which is a VERY realistic estimate... That’s 2.5 hours per week or 125 extra hours per year.

How much would that be worth to you?

For someone who makes $35 an hour, that’s like an extra $4,375 worth of productive time each year.

Time management and productivity courses typically range from $80 to a couple of hundred dollars... and more expensive seminars can run into the thousands of dollars for just a few days of training.

That’s why Achieve Planner Pro is a real bargain at only $99.85 $79.88 (save 20% - limited time only)

But it gets even better! With our new monthly payment plan option (only available for credit and debit card orders), you can now get Achieve Planner Pro for 5 4 easy monthly payments of only $19.97!

That’s less than $5 per week!

Achieve Planner will literally pay for itself in just a few weeks... and after that, you get to keep the thousands of dollars of productivity gains year after year!

Order Now     Download Free Trial Now

And that’s just the conservative estimate... because once you get more familiar and comfortable with the software, Achieve Planner can help you gain three, four, even five extra hours of productive time week after week.

What would five extra hours of highly productive focused time each and every week do for your business or career? Would you get a lot more important projects done? Would you make significant progress toward your long-term goals?

The best part is that you don’t have to wait for a CD to arrive in the mail... you can simply use the Registration Code that I’ll send you via email to unlock your trial and continue using the software immediately.

Think about it. Your planner is one of the most important investments you will ever make. It’s something that you will use every single day and it can make a dramatic difference in the results you produce, the stress you experience, and the quality of life you enjoy.

But consider this... if you just keep doing the same things you are doing now, you’ll keep getting the same results. Obvious, isn’t it?

That’s why I want you to try Achieve Planner completely and totally risk-free!

30-Day Trial - Try Achieve Planner for Free

I have so much confidence in Achieve Planner, that I’m willing to give you a free 30-day trial so that you can take it for a spin and see for yourself if it will work for you.

You have nothing to lose.

"As I stated in a previous message, the "Achieve Planner software" is the "BEST" on the market today. I’ve used Act, and PlanPlus software for several years and these programs can not compare to Achieve Planner. You’ve captured all of the time management tools I’ve wanted for many years rolled in to one fantastic designed package.

The free "complete" trial version really provided the opportunity to really test drive your program.

I’m sold on the Achieve Planner software, and will be purchasing the program as soon as I send this message.

Great job!"

- Harold Zimmer

To get started, just click on the link below to download your free 30-day trial. Do it now!

Click here to download your free 30-day trial of Achieve Planner today!

Unconditional 100%
Money Back Guarantee

Not only do I offer you a free 30-day trial, but I also give you an unconditional 100% money back guarantee once you decide to purchase.

30 day money back guarantee90-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied with Achieve Planner, just let me know within 90-days of your purchase and I promise you a prompt and courteous refund.


Order Now     Download Free Trial Now


Best regards,
Rodger Constandse
Developer of Achieve Planner

P.S. Just think! You’ll never again go through the pain and hassle of rewriting your to-do’s on paper or dealing with primitive to-do list software... click here to download now!



Achieve Planner copyright (c) 2009 by Effexis Software, LLC
* Achieve Planner is available for electronic delivery only and is not shipped in a box

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Works with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, and Windows Vista








“I purchased AP for my business and it has been a huge help in tracking and getting things done. It is straightforward and easy to use. It makes getting projects done much easier and tops Outlook and other tools that are either featureless or too huge and complex.”

Ray Diaz

“This by far the most intelligent piece of time-management software I’ve come across and I’ve tried a few.”

Joe Kissoon

“I’ve been using it for almost a month, and I’ve found it to be very helpful in managing my dissertation project.”


“I’ve looked at several personal productivity / task management software packages over my 9 year career in IT... I have to say that Achieve Planner is hands down the best personal productivity app I’ve ever used!

It is quick to learn & awesome at unifying all of my life’s commitments while not skimping on the details if you should need them. I also love the ongoing time management tips & messages of encouragement which really help keep me focused and remind me WHY it is important to stay on-track! Thanks Effexis!”

Greg Pickrell

Wow! I’ve been waiting 20 years for this product!”

Fernando Chapa

“Your Achieve Planning software is the best I’ve used. Continue the great work!”

Dan Cross

“Achieve Planner is the first time-management software program that I have found that really allows me to organize myself in a way that is more consistent with my wholistic lifestyle.

Believe me I have checked out a few programs and have an entire shelf of books and videos in addition to all the workshops and seminars I have attended.

It has been an up hill battle for me as a very right brained, ADDer (Definition of ADDer: Someone who finds life so exciting and full of possibilities that they can’t help but keep adding more and more to their already fabulous life!)

For me the point of managing my time is to be able to live with minimal stress and have even more fun, pleasure and prosperity... and Achieve Planner helps me do that!”

Caroline Bell, PhD

“I have tried just about every piece of time and project management software on the Internet, as well as most of the goal setting software that’s out there too!

I have to say that Acheive Planner is _the best_ program I have ever used.”

Dean W. Charron

“Also, thanks for a brilliant product. I have tried several time management type applications prior to discovering "Achieve" and they all seemed to lack something.

After loading the achieve trial I purchased the product very quickly afterwards as I could see the potential. I’ve now been working with "Achieve" for three weeks and will certainly recommend it to others.

It does exactly what I need and gives me a method of managing the multiple projects that my daily work involves.”

Paul Ralph
Scotland UK

“Thanks for making such an awesome product. This is far superior to any I’ve used before!”

Stephanie Chapman

“I work from home, and use to have my work schedule, ideas, and notes, spread between two desks, on multiple pieces of paper or just held in my head.

Achieve Planner has changed all of that. This tool is incredible, and has helped me organise everything so that I now have a solid plan to work to.

I know exactly what I have to do each day, and I can promise you one thing. Planning for the weeks and months ahead has never been this fun! Keep up the great job!”

Andy Williams

“Thanks so much for making a great product. It’s really helping me get organized in my personal and professional life.”


“It’s a great software product and we both love to use it. We both tried to use Tony Robbins OPA/RPM system for years.

My husband managed to make some progress with it, but it was a little too complicated.

The Achieve Planner does everything that OPA should have done and it is perfectly integrated with Outlook. More people need to know about it”

Liz Blackham

“I’d like to say that I really enjoy working with AP planner.

You made it so ergonomic. We can reach easily and rapidly any task, contact or project.
The keyboard shortcuts are very useful and intuitives.

There’s a lot of possibility in this software (I didn’t use every one of them yet) and I can’t hardly wait for the next developpements.
Really, Bravo !”

Richard Lavoie

“Your Acheive Planner is a work of genius. I recently purchased the
productivity suite and am stunned by all that this program offers. It’s like having a 24/7 personal assistant and personal life coach all rolled into one.

I just want to thank you for the time, effort, and creativity you’ve put into developing this truly revolutionary product.
May you live long and prosper!”

Mercedes Goldcamp

“I am in love with Achieve Planner. It has made a significant difference in how I organize my time and I am accomplishing more than ever without that feeling of being overwhelmed. Thank you for developing it.”

Bev Dugar

“This is the very best planning system I have ever used. I manage a small business and run about 5 or 6 departments by myself.

Achieve Planner has made it possible to effectively track all of my tasks and projects in one system. Thank you. Keep up the great work.”


“The tutorials are excellent - short and to-the-point. They clearly explain  the steps needed to achieve a task in Achieve Planner without a lot of extraneous commentary.

I was/am very impressed. There are a lot of garbage tutorials ’out there’. Yours are excellent & I have found them most useful.”


“I’m finding it quite helpful. I’ve just been using the basics for about 3 weeks now and already starting to feel like I have a better grip on my week.

It allows me to take a realistic look at the amount of time I have available and then plan my task time accordingly.

I’m finding fewer tasks are "slipping between the cracks", plus I’m not as frustrated by not trying to meet unrealistic expectations.

The integration with Outlook is also very handy in that I can easily assign Tasks to staffers.”

Mark Herman

“Btw, I am IMMENSELY pleased with the Achieve Planner. I am a software engineer myself, and appreciate the detailed attention to the finish the careful engineering that has gone into the features of the software. Very well done!”

Arthur Vanderbilt

“I have been using this tool for about a month - I have tested many,
many, software tools for project & task planning before and have NEVER found anything that has immediately and positively impacted the way I work.

This is a GREAT tool and I only wish I’d found it years ago.

Thank you!”

Paul Sheard

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