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the SLANG EXTENSION and Guest Programming >> Bug Reports for Slangmgh >> Rules do not sync

Message started by JohnSmith on 10/02/08 at 04:11:55

Title: Rules do not sync
Post by JohnSmith on 10/02/08 at 04:11:55

To check rules synchronization I did the following:
a) created new file from new default.ect (thank you for it)
b) created its synchronized copy
c) and played with the original file and its sync_copy just by opening and closing them in turn under ecco32 or eccoext.

It seems that a rule synchronization depends on where a rule had been  created (or edited).

Rules created under ecco32 sync when the sync_copy is opened either with ecco32 or eccoext.

Rules created under eccoext do not sync either with ecco32 or eccoext.

Besides, for a traditional rule to be functional it needs to be created under ecco32, i.e. a traditional rule created under eccoext does not function (yes, the option Enable Traditional Rules is checked).

Eccoext under XP

Title: Re: Rules do not sync
Post by Admin on 10/22/08 at 14:17:31

may have something to do with bypass of dialog asking to apply new rules to old items....

Title: Re: Rules do not sync
Post by rb on 11/09/08 at 17:40:43

This bug is very annoying for us as I am frequently modifying the scripts and the synced copy is not updated.
However, I found a workaround: Open the file with the LUA rules in std. Ecco instead.
Then simply click "Auto Assign Rules..." to open the dialog box. Close it again w/o doing anything.
Now the rule is synced with the the other copy (running EccoExt).

BTW, why is a "0" added when looking at the rule in std Ecco??
For example:
++:L:-- test     (as entered in EccoExt)
++0:L: -- test   (when looking at the rule in std Ecco).

Is it safe to remove the "0"?

Title: Re: Rules do not sync
Post by JohnSmith on 11/19/09 at 06:59:20

Bug fixed in v4.0.0.5

Thank you Slang!

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